A day with the bakusquad

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Kaminari's: POV

We walked down to the main area to see that todorki, Momo, uraraka, and deku were all hanging out "Hey guys" kirishima said with a smile "Oh hey kirishima!" Deku says back "Go away DEKU!" Bakugo yelled "Ummm-uh-sorry kacchan" deku hid behind uraraka "Oh come on dont be mean!" Kirishima looked over to bakugo "Tch-whatever" bakugo replied "Okay guys! LETS GO!!" Mina yelled. We walked out the door and made our way to the arcade

[Time skip: at the arcade]

"Over there!" Mina yelled pointing to a arcade game "alright let's go!" Sero said dragging Mina by the hand "Let's go over here!" Kirishima said dragging me and bakugo to the Mario cart game "Oi, SHITTY HAIR LET ME GO!" Bakugo yelled getting the attention of a few people around us. We got to the game and kirishima kept trying to convince bakugo to play with him "I bet you cant beat me!" Kirishima said grinning "OH YOU WANNA GO SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugo yelled. I'm not dealing with these two I say while walking away I spotted a snack shack and walked over to it while taking out my wallet "Hello! What can I get you!" The girl said. She was really pretty "Can I just get a bag of chips" I say looking at my phone "Okay" she says walking to the chips "Here you go" she says giving me the chips while snatching my money "Thanks I say walking off to a nearby bench I sat down and silently began to eat while scrolling through my phone......"Oi, Dunce face" I heard bakugo say I look up to see him staring into my soul he walks over to sit next to me "Where's kirishima?" I ask nervously "He's with the other idiots" bakugo said "Now tell me...What the hell happened at camp!" He said in a raspy voice "Oh-Uhhhh-PLEASE DONT KILL ME" I yelled Bakugo looked at me confused while my cheeks were practically the color of kirishima's hair "Umm-well It was really really late at night and I went down to the balcony and ummm" I said nervously "Well what?!" Bakugo said angrily "Jirou came out as well!.......and we um- talked for a bit and then I...." "YOU WHAT?!" bakugo impatiently said "I started to lean my face closer to her and then I wrapped my arms around her waist and kinda......almost.....kissed....her" I said digging my face into my hood trying to hide my red cheeks though the arcade was darkly lit my cheeks were literally neon "YOU DID WHAT!?!?!" Bakugo yelled uncontrollably "I-Im sorry!" I pleaded for life "I swear it was just a brush against the lips!" I pleaded "Is that all that happened?!" Bakugo asked coming back to his senses "well the thing that confuses me is that she didn't push me off at all..... in fact she wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me closer........., but ever since that day she's been ignoring me" I said putting my finger on my chin "SHE'S WHAT!?!?" I heard a familiar voice say "MINA!" I yelled "Hehehe, sorry" she said "WHAT THE HELL" I SCREECHED "Well we were on our way to play some games and I overheard you guys talking, but that's besides the point YOU ALMOST KISSED HER!" Mina yelled in pure happiness "Nononono, Dont get any ideas Mina!" I yelled "Oh, C'mon!" Mina pouted "Besides she obviously doesn't like me she's been ignoring me ever since!" I protested "You idiot she obviously likes you!" Mina grinned "Drop it Mina!" I yelled angrily "Stop yelling at her!" Sero said angrily "Well tell her to stop acting like she's a fucking matchmaker" I screamed with a angry tone in my voice "Stop yelling at my fucking girlfriend!" Sero scoffed back, Mina just looked at the ground not knowing what to say "Fuck off!" I yelled angrily "You fuck off!" Sero continues "You know what, why the fuck did I ever come to the arcade with you fucking idiots!" I snapped "Says Denki the class Dumbass!" Sero quickly replied to which I just flipped him off while walking away angrily. Those bastards, why cant Mina drop it! Jirou obviously doesn't like me, and I'm fine with that...Mina just acts like shes some sort of matchmaker and never gives up....... Its annoying......Sero is only mad at me for yelling at his girlfriend but she deserves it she cant push........One sided love.......it doesn't work she needs to drop it and hey one day I'll meet someone new......
I get back to the dorms and go straight up to my bed angrily everyone was worried but I didn't care. I flopped on my bed angrily scrolling through my phone. I checked the clock to see that the time read 11:03pm meaning that everyone was already in their dorms..... I looked over to the corner my guitar sat in and started to have flashbacks of when jirou and tokoyami were teaching me how to play good times but now I'm stuck with a bunch of bakusquad drama....I walk over to the guitar and begin to tune it before playing it.. it let me relax through my problems I honestly really am thankful of being taught how to play....after awhile I put the guitar away...I cant wait til tomorrow I said sarcastically...as flop in my bed and drift into a deep slumber

Word count: 919

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