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Jirou's: POV

I got home around 11:15pm and to my supriseci was greeted by a familiar pink skinned girl "Hey mina?" I said confused "Hey...." she said in a sad tone "What's wrong" I ask while taking a seat next to her "Well today I kept bugging kami about a certain girl he has a crush on..." Mina said nervously "And he umm...got mad at me" she said looking to the ground "What happened after?" I asked concerned "Well Hanta had gotten involved because he was mad at the fact kaminari was yelling at me, and then they got into a argument and kami ended up leaving the arcade" Mina said as she put her hands over her face I stayed silent for a second and then looked at her "Its okay kaminari is just not in a good mood" I said patting her back I've never seen Mina like this she's usually always happy "Hey jirou...." Mina looked to me "Yeah" I ask nervously "Can you maybe give him this letter?..." she said handing me a small piece of paper I quickly read over it it was a sorry letter to kaminari from Mina I looked to Mina she was wiping some of her tears away I gave her a small smile and nodded she gave me a hug and then thanked me and then I made my way to kaminari's room once I got to the door I quickly slid the letter under his door "Its from Mina" I yelled and then I quickly ran towards my room... I walked to my closet and changed then I glared at my desk wondering if I should study I walked over to it and started studying my notes after awhile I flopped on my bed and drifted to sleep

[Time skip: in the morning]

I got out of bed to the sound of my annoying alarm and quickly changed into my uniform and walked downstairs to be greeted with Momo, todorki, uraraka, midorya, tsuyu, mineta, bakugo, and obviously lida "Hey kyoka!" Momo said "Hey Momo" I said "Hello jirou! Ribbit" the frog like girl said "Hello tsuyu" I said with a smile as I sipped on hot chocolate. I soon noticed that kaminari has also walked into the kitchen I quickly walked to the living room to avoid him I sat down next to Momo who was talking to her boyfriend todorki. I just sipped on hot chocolate as they talked "Okay guys gather at the door it's time to go to school" lida yelled. On our way to school Mina caught up to me "Thanks for yesterday" mina said giving me a small smile "No problem" I reassured her "Now can you answer my question honestly" she said staring at me "what do you mean?" I asked "Do you like kami?..." she asked with all seriousness in her face, my cheeks started to burn up honestly I still wasn't sure of my feelings "N-No" I stuttered "Kyoka if you do like him you know you can tell me" she said. Honestly too much in my life has been going on, that I dont even think I have time for love "I know, but if I'm being honest I dont really know about my feelings" I whispered when I said those few words she lit up "You do like him!" She said like she just had a whole mood swing Wai-wha?" My cheeks went red "C'mon just tell me! Here let me ask you a few questions" she said smiling "Who is the one person who makes you laugh the most?" She said grinning, my heart felt like it was gonna pound out of my chest "ka-kaminari" I said nervously "Okay then, Who makes your heart race just by thinking of them?" She asks "kam-kaminari" I said awkwardly as realization hit my skull "Okay, Okay last question, Out of all the guys in our class who do you think is the cutest" she asked giving me a sly grin "Ugh, fine maybe I do have a thing for kaminari" I gave in "I KNEW IT!" Mina yelled in happiness "But it's not like he"ll like me back.....I'm not pretty at all" I said looking at the ground "WHO TOLD YOU YOUR NOT PRETTY ILL KICK THEIR ASS!" Mina said angrily, I looked at her "Dont worry about it" I said with a sad smile "Finesse." I walked away from Mina and sat in my seat next to denki now that know I like him i have to make more of an effort to avoid him ugh this sucks. "Hey jirou" he said with a sad tone in his voice I didn't respond, why was he sad though maybe because of what happened yesterday, I thought to myself as I stared up to the board "Hello class" Mr. Aizawa looked around the room before talking again "We are gonna be doing a combat workout today" he said in a dull voice "Your opponents are, Midorya and ayoyoma, todorki and tokoyami, bakugo and kirishima, Sato and koda, uraraka and Momo, tsuyu and lida, Mina and jirou, Sero and kaminari, Tooru and Ojiro, these are your partners for today now go and get changed in the locker rooms" Mr. Aizawa said [You thought I was gonna put kaminari and jirou together didn't you?] I walked over with Momo to the locker rooms "honestly how am I supposed to beat Mina in a combat battle the worse part is that Mina could melt my clothes or melt me!!!! Ugh plus Mina is super athletic so she'll obviously beat me!" I complained to Momo "Don't be so hard on yourself!" Momo tried to encourage me "But I cantttttt, Mina's too talented!" I protested "C'mon I'll help you come up with a plan" Momo said giving me a smile "Fine." After awhile of planning it was finally my turn I was super nervous "This round gonna go really fast" Mina said 3.....2.....1.....GO! Mina ran right towards me just as I expected I quickly dodged the move as I hid behind a large rock to use it as a shield from her acid she threw acid at me as I expected but it hit the rock luckly the rock was like a distraction as I quickly jammed my fists into the ground tearing the ground under her as she lost her balance I took advantage and quickly got close to her but she threw acid up in the air some of it hit my clothes causing holes "Really Mina?" I said jokingly as I extended my earphone Jack's almost plugging it in her ear before she pushed it away "Your harder to fight than I thought" Mina said smiling as she threw more acid on my clothes I quickly ran before having an Idea that might just work I quickly stuck my earphone Jack's into the ground hoping to the ground and cause debris which it did as dust flew up everywhere I used this as a cover knowing she couldn't see me I couldn't see her either but I knew were she was due to my quirk I quickly stuck my earphone jack into my boots as my explosively lound heart beat caused Mina to fall to the floor in pain as I got closer restraining her Kyoka jirou wins! Present mic says as Mina is taken to recovery girl and I walked back to the lobby holding my shirt since it was practically falling apart "You did great kyoka!" Momo contgradulated "Thanks but my clothes are beat!" I said looking at all the holes in my shirt "Yeah" Momo chuckles how did your round with uraraka go? I asked "Well uraraka had a good plan as I kept making shields and weapons she kept floating everything and I was trying to attack but she soon released everything and it came falling onto me, keeping me from moving" Momo groaned "Oh I see" I chuckled as the rounds went on. Soon enough class was over and it was time to go back to the dorms "Ughh today was extremely exhausting" Mina complained "Yeah it was ribbit" Tsuyu added "Heyy you guys wanna have a girls night?" Mina asked with a big smile "I would but I have work!" I said "Oh yeahhhhhh!" Mina remembered "Awh! That sucks! When do you get off?" Mina asked putting a finger to her chin "11:00pm" I said "No wonder you look so tired" Momo stated "Yeah girl you need a nap!" Mina said "Nah I'm fine" I started "Oh well I guess we can all wait til the weekend!" Mina groaned "Yeah" I agreed as I walked into the dorms "Well see you guys I'm gonna go get ready for work" I said while waving at them. I got to my room and took out my phone "hey mom!" I said into the phone "Hello kyoka!" She said happier than usual "You seem happy what's up?" I asked "Nothing it's just I'm happy that your working just to help get the surgery for your dad" she answered "Its nothing I would die for you guys!" I said into the phone "How much does the surgery cost again?" I asked "5000" my mom said "Okay I got 1300" it'll take me a couple of weeks maybe months but I will get the surgery for dad" I said while wiping a tear away "Dont push it" my mom said with a serious voice "Okay mom" I said determination filled my voice "okay well I have to go now" my mom said "See ya mom" I gave a smile "Love you bye!" My mom said before hanging up. I walked over to my closet and changed into my work clothes and walked downstairs and out the dorms to the cafe "Hey Akane!" I said happily "You sound happy" Akane laughs "I am happy" I said with a smile "That's good!" She said gazing at me. I went to take people's orders and time passed until I recognized someone "Hey jirou" Kaminari said "Hey kaminari" My eyes gazing at the floor "I just came here for a muffin" he said his gaze on me "Uh-okay" I said flustered "Hey can I have your number?" Akane butts in "Ummm-Who are you?" Kaminari asks as I'm walking over to the muffins "I'm Akane, Kyoka is my cousin!" Akane says as she pulls out her phone. In that moment I wanted to murder Akane but I didn't do anything but watch him give her his number and let me tell you feeling your heart sink is not a good feeling, especially when your watching your cousin flirt with your crush, I walked over to kaminari handing him his muffin my eyes locked on my feet "Thanks jirou!" He said smiling "N-No problem" I say with sadness in my voice he soon walked off and I looked at Akane who was happily glaring at her phone "are you okay you look jealous!" Akane stares at me "Oh-Im fine!" I blurt out "Okay If you say so kyo" she says with her bubbly personality. Soon enough the clock hits 11:00pm and I walk out of the cafe staring at my phone as I walked towards the dorms Stupid Akane, Stupid Akane, Stupid Akane I muttered to myself in jealousy.....wait what am I doing to myself not long ago I was the girl who absolutely hated love

What's happening to me.....

Is it?.....


Word count: 1935

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