time to expose

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Denki's POV:

It's been a couple of weeks since I've "dated" Akane I've recorded everything shes said since then and around half the school knows I'm dating her I also get criticized and judged for it it kinda makes me wanna cry knowing I've done absolutely nothing wrong but still getting the blame for it. I calmed down quickly knowing that I was gonna expose Akane sooner or later it was pretty easy for me to get her to talk shit due to the fact that I just had to say "no" or "I miss jiro" Shed usually threaten me after, saying stuff like "I'm your girlfriend now not jiro! say something about her again and I'll kill her this is the whole reason I broke you two up so stop talking about her before i spread more rumors!" Sometimes she'd slap me or throw stuff at me when I wasn't paying attention to her or refusing to even hug her she'd only slap me when we were alone tho never in public when we were in public shes just brag about dating me and hug me ever two seconds and everytime we were around jiro shed act all lovey dovey and all I could see in jiro's eyes was pain jiro would usually put her head down in class and not pay attention and I couldn't do anything about it Akane would also threaten to get me expelled or even ruin jiro's life by ruining her reputation along with mine if I were to graduate with my reputation like this and be a hero I'd never be Popular in the hero society I didn't want jiro to go through the same so I would always leave it at that secretly recording everything making sure I had enough evidence. Evidence was key so I had to be patient.

"DENKI" Bakugo yelled "Huh?!?" I said snapping out of my thoughts as I looked around my class usually everyone would laugh at this but they all just stared not to mention mineta's been a bitch lately crushing my reputation even more "Pay attention were in class" bakugo muttered angrily "But hes asleep!" I mumbled "Well still get your head out the gutter!" Bakugo whispered we all just sat in silence and soon class was over and I hopped away i quickly ditched for the cafeteria hoping i could avoid some of the judgment people were giving me but of course as soon as one person saw my yellow hair whispers filled the hallway causing me to be outcasted I kept my head low as I walked to my seat in lunch I wasn't aloud to sit with bakugo and the rest cause sero and Mina would flip everytime I'd even say hi so I quietly ate my lunch no one usually sat with me cause Akane would go and hang out with the girls and by that I mean Yayorozu ever since shes came her and Yayorozu have gotten close to the point where I rarely see jiro and momo hanging out anymore its kinda weird but the rest of the girls would sit with jiro and I was happy to see that her friends cared about her I quickly stared back at my food slowly eating it, quickly finished and threw away the rest as I hurried back to class I'd always head there early so I wouldn't have to see anyone in the halls..

[Time skip]

Jiro's POV:

I sat in my room scrolling through my phone not even bothering to do my homework my grades have been getting worse and worse by the day but I honestly didn't even care. The past few weeks been shit and I was honestly in pain it hurt knowing my own cousin... whatever I mumbled to myself I heard a knock on my door and just yelled come in I soon recognized some pink hair "What do you wnat mina" I asked "Immmm boreddddd!!!" she wined "And what do you wnat me to do about that?" I said raising an eyebrow "I dont knowwww!" she groaned "Go hang out with the girls or something" I replied "I canttt they went to the moviesssss!" I spat "Hang out with momo then" I mumbled "Shes with Akane" Mina pouted "..." I sat in silence "Of course she with stupid Akane" I mumbled "I know it's no fair Akane's a bitch either like C'mon shes your fucking cousin shes dating your fucking ex who cheated on you with her! Like isn't she afraid that he'd cheat on her aswell?!?!?!? and she claims she didn't have any part in it!" Mina shouted in frustration "Mina calm down it's not that big of a deal...I mean atleast he's happy is he..?" I mumbled the last part to myself "No that big of a deal?! yo your cousin is a backstabbing bitch!" Mina snarled "Yea yea whatever it's not like I can get angry look at her shes soo pretty and has an amazing personality who wouldn't choose her over me?" I blankly replied to which Mina took a hard long stare at me before saying "Someone who loves you duh" She said in a monotone voice "yea yea whatever" I said rolling my eyes "Chile anyways so- wanna go get icecream or something? I'm bored and I bet you are too!" mina yelled "Fine whatever" I got up throwing on a crop top and a skirt putting on a nice leather jacket and tying my hair in a ponytail "C'mon let's goooo!!!!" mina said practically dragging me out of my room we soon got to the icecream "What do you want?" mina asked in amusement as she looked at all the different colors "Its fine Mina I'll pay" noticing she had money in her hands "Nuh uh Child" she replied "Bruh were do you even get the money? you dont work!" I replied "Sero duh he sells his tape for money" mina rolled her eyes (IDK WHO SAID THIS BUT IT GAVE ME THIS IDEA SERO SELLING HIS TAPE IS CANNON AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE) "I- well tahts one way to use your quirk" I replied.

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