"New" student

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A/Y Btw it's the next day so yeah

Jiro's POV:

I woke up that morning feeling a little drowsy I got to my feet and quickly changed into my school uniform I walked downstairs surprised to see kaminari was up before me "Pika are you okay?" I asked concerned "I am! why wouldn't I be?" He asked giving me a cheerful smile which made me blush "Your up before me! I usually have to wake you up!" I stated he just walked over to me and kissed my cheek "I decided to change things up today" he said sitting on the couch "Wow that's new-" I said I knew something bad was gonna happen today but I have no idea what "Goodmorning" Iida says making himself breakfast "Goodmorning" Me and kaminari said in fusion I soon went down and sat down next to kaminari laying my head on his shoulder "Are you okay you seem sleepy" He asked "Oh yeah I just stayed up thinking about the new girl I still dont have a good feeling about her" I let out he then put his head on mines and said "I'm sure its gonna be fine you have me after all" He states "Thanks your the best y'know" I said with a small smile my eyelids were half way closed "Hahah no you are" He argued kissing my forehead "I'm not complaining" I simply said resting my eyes "get up lovebirds we have school!" A familiar voice said interrupting the peaceful moment "Ughhhhhh" I said opening my eyes to get up "Since when are you up this early?! mina?" I said staring at the pink skinned girl "Since today" she said giving me a proud smile "Ya'll are acting weird" I simply said making my way to the door to leave but then felt someone grab my hand I turned to see denki "Hm?" I'm mumbled "Nothing I just wanna hold your hand" he smiled which made my face turn different shades of pink "Let's just go dumbass" I spat out "Okay!" he cheerfully said as we made our way to school

I sat in my seat waiting for the teacher to come my stomach felt as if it was gonna turn it wasn't a good feeling I dont know why but my gut just told me not to trust the new girl at all- it's as if it was warning me "Hey nugget are you okay?" Kaminari asked seeing that I was lost in thought "Oh yeah! I spat out "I just dont feel well" I said "Do you need to go to recovery girl?" he asked with a worried expression "I'm fine" I said with a smile which he just hugged me "If you do I'll take you" he said not letting go of my waist "Mhmm okay" I said smiling happily kaminari is so kind and cute I thought to myself *SLAM* I heard a loud noise from the front of the classroom which made me turn my attention from kaminari to the person who was standing at the front...

It was......

"Akane......?" I said out lound confused for some reason she looked pissed She just glared at me from the front "Alright guys just get to your seats" Mr. aizawa said breaking the weird tension "Akane you can sit behind kaminari" He said pointing to the blonde haird boy "Okay!" she happily yells skipping her way to her seat god was she so bubbly nothing compared to me I glanced at mineta and he was practically drooling over my cousin "Hey jiro.." she said in a dull mean voice I didn't pay that much attention "Hey Akane what's the deal why are you in a hero school?" I asked the purple haird girl "Cause I want to be a hero..." She stated "But I thought your dream was always to be a chief?" I said confused "Well it changed!" she said rudely why was she acting like this? and most importantly why was I having a bad feeling about her she was my damn cousin I turned my attention back to the board trying to ignore the thought.......

sometime throughout class I noticed Akane's hand on Denki's hair she was playing with it I turned to see he was quite uncomfortable but he didn't do anything about it I thought it was because of how distracted she gets so I didn't really think to hard about it....but something about it still didn't feel right.......was.....it......Jealousy?.......I asked myself I didn't know what it was but It didn't feel good i turned my attention back to the board hoping class would end soon......

I walked out of class with denki and was soon greeted by my cousin "Heyyy kaminari!" She happily yellled "Hey jiro..." She said giving me a side eye what's the deal with her? I asked myself "Hey Rui" he said "Dont be formal! just call me Akane!" She exclaimed happily "Okay?" Kaminari said "Can you guys show me to the cafeteria?" She asked "Mhmm sure!" I let out "Greattttt.." she said as we made our way to the cafeteria "Its so big!" she said her eyes sparkled with the light "I know right!" Kaminari explained pointing to the different food stations I just kept quiet as they talked some part of me was jealous...."Kyokaaaaaaaa" I heard him say "Hm?" I let out "Come onnnn!" He said pulling my arm as Akane just stared angrily "Hey guys!" Mina said "Hello!" Akane shouted "I'm mina ashido! you?" The pink skinned girl asked "I'm Akane Rui!" my cousin said "Welp nice to meet you!" mina continued as they started chatting

[Time skip]

I lied on my bed looking at my ceiling honestly that bad feeling I had still wouldn't go away and I had no idea why I decided to go get myself a drink to take my mind off it I walked downstairs and poured myself a cup of lemonade I looked over to the couch to see Kaminari as soon as I finished my lemonade I walked over to him but then realized he was with my cousin- I turned my back in Hope's that they wouldn't notice me "Hry kyoka" Kaminari said to which I just turned and looked at him "Hm?" I hummed in response "Come over here!" He asked which I couldn't say no to so despite myself I walked over to the couch and sat next to him I could tell Akane was not liking the sudden lack of attention she was getting but I had no idea why "I'm gonna go do something" She said interrupting my thoughts "Oh okay! see you later" Kaminari cheerfully said He then turned his attention over to me "Still not feeling well?" he asked facing g me "Nope" I let out "I'm sorry to hear that" he said facing me "Its fine" I laughed which denki just tracked me into a hug "Heyyyy!" I complained as he just tightened his grip on my waist and rested on my ststomach "Why are you doing this?" I asked as a tint to of pink filled my cheeks he just looked up at me and said "I just want huggiesssss" He smiled before resting his head again I brought my hands up to his hair and started to gently stroke it it was so soft and silky I smiled as I continued to play with his hair....."Hey guys~!" Mina says crashing into the living room "Shhhhh!" I hissed as she walked over "Awwww you two are sooooooo cute!" She screeched "Shhhh! jesus dont wake him up!" I warned "Its just so cuteeeee!" she yelled "Whatever just speak quietly!" I hissed wanting her to shut up I did not want the sleeping boy lying on my stomach to wake up "Hmmpf! whatever" She pouted "Any who it seems like you know the new kid who is she?" Mina asked me "Oh yea shes my cousin....."



my cousin.......

Not my enemy............

[Word count: 1343]

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