Secret plan

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Denki's POV:

I stomped all the way to bakugo's room and slammed the door open I was so damn pissed "What did she say? you look pissed" Bakugo said "She's gonna find a way to get me kicked out of the damn school!" I grunted "What do you mean?" Bakugo asked "She said that I have to break up with jiro or shes gonna find a way to get me expelled" I said nervously pulling on my bangs "Wait you and jiro are still together?" he asked "Well I dont know but we haven't officially broken up-" I said "Oh- well what are you going to do?" bakugo asked "I dont wanna break up with her! I still love her!" I spat "I know you do idiot" he snarled "Well what are we gonna do I dont wanna be expelled but I also want to make up with jiro cause she probably hates me right now!" I spat "Calm down idiot I'm thinking" he growled "Well think faster!" I impatiently shouted "If you rush me I'm not gonna help you at all so shut up" He snapped while I just stayed quiet patiently waiting for him to come up with something...

Jiro's POV:

I laid in my bed looking up at the ceiling I felt horrible and empty as if someone ripped a huge chunk out of me I didn't cry though my tears wouldn't come out but I was so angry I hated that I let him help pay for my dad's surgery how was I ever gonna forget about himif hed do something so kind and then break me like a damn twig I was so angry and upset and partially confused because I loved him i thought he loved me back so why did he do something like that I knew love wasn't for me it's only ever gonna break me... I thought to myself as a series of memories flooded my head how was I supposed to hate someone who helped my dad it was impossible sure I was angry and upset but I couldn't have brung myself to hate him! I thought myself before hearing a soft knock at my door "Come in!" I shouted before seeing a pink skinned girl walk in closing the door behind her "Sooooooo aero bought me some chocolate but I knew you were probably sad so I was liek what makes a girl happier then chocolate" she spat giving me a box of chocolate " aww mina thanks" I smiled "No problem!" she smiled "Anyways what are you doing" she asked? "Nothing much" I replied "Do you wanna go shopping like just to get out of the dorms?" mina asked raising an eyebrow "Sure it's not like I want to be here" I said as Mina's eyes grew big "IM GONNA GIVE YOU A MAKEOVER!" She said with a wide smile "Wait what?! no!" I spat "You already agreed therefore we are going" she said grabbing my hand dragging me out of my room and soon enough we were at the mall...

Denki's POV:

"So that's the plan?" I ask very seriously "I know your gonna be miserable for a week or two but as soon as we expose her jiro will have to forgive you" Bakugo replied "Fine.." I said bakugo sighs before speaking "Everyone in our class is most likely gonna hate you for awhile just bare with it for a bit okay I'll try to convince kirishima to help us oh and see since those two know how to keep their mouth shut" he said "Thanks bakugo.." I said "No problem were gonna expose that bitch" he growled "Yeah" I said before walking out of his room running to my own before seeing a short purple headed guy "Oh look who it is kaminari" he said "What do you want mineta?" I asked a little annoyed "I see you've cheated on your "Beautiful" girlfriend about tim you did you ditched her for someone wayyyy better aswell" He said with a grin "Shut up mineta! I hate you" I spat "awww your mad you cant call me a bad person anymore tho cause you've fallen lower than me" he laughed "Whatever" I stormed off into my room angrily

[Time skip]

I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for school I hadn't gotten sleep the night before because I was in a river of emotions so I looked lik shit I made way downstairs getting multiple death stares my reputation fell so low making everyone hate me "Hey bakugo" I said "you look like shit" he said "You think I dont know that" I spat "Whatever let's just get to school he said" we walked to school and as soon as we got there I felt my heart beat faster I entered the classroom and like always I saw my beautiful nugget except this time se wasn't mine....Because at some point today I'm going to have to break up with her whether I like it or not.... I thought as I sat next to her "Hey...uh kyoka can we talk after school today?" I asked as sadness filled my voice "She looked at me and I could see in her eyes there was nothing more than sadness and anger there was not hate tho and I didn't know why "first of all call me by my last name you've lost the privilege to call me by my first" she said "alright... then um uh J-jiro can we talk after school today?..." I asked god it felt different calling her jiro "Fine whatever just make it quick" she said turning her head away again I looked over to Akane and I could see her delighted smile spread across her face I was disgusted and angry I turned my head back to the front board looking over to Mr. aizawa and soon class was over...

[Word count: 992]

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