She hates me

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Kaminari's: POV

I walk to my room feeling a bit gloomy due to what happened I flop on my bed and grabbed my phone. After awhile I heard a knock at my door "Hey man mina and the rest of us are gonna go get ice cream you coming?" Sero asks. I dont reply acting as if I were asleep I honestly didn't want to talk to anyone... not after what happened. After awhile of him knocking he finally gives up and walks off

OI, why aren't you coming I know very well your awake!
Dunce face:
I just dont feel like going...
This has something to do with earlobes, am I correct
Dunce face:
Well if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here you know?
I mean not like I care but still
Dunce face:
Yeah sure you dont
I DONT! Anyways I have to get going okay?
Dunce face:

Well that sucks, I guess I could just go get some food when they leave. About 15 minutes past and I decided to walk downstairs, I walk in the kitchen and notice how the TV was on I walk over to the couch, "H-hi jirou" I forced a smile. She wips her head around "Hey kaminari" she says with pink cheeks, "what are you doing down here?" "Oh I'm waiting for Momo to come back from her date" she says awkwardly "yayorozu is dating someone?" I said confused "Well yeah it's kinda of expected with her looks" she blurts out. I couldn't help but notice the smile she had on her face wasn't real.... "Hey are you okay? you dont look happy" I ask concerned, "I'm fine!" She yells I could tell she was lying but I didn't want to push it. "I-im gonna go uh- To the store!" She screams, "But weren't you waiting for yayorozu to come back?" I ask....... "Stop asking me questions! Just go away!" She screams
"Uh okay" I frowned as I walked back to the kitchen. I wonder what was making her so mad.... but I knew I shouldn't butt in before she hates me even more than she already does...

Jirou's: POV

Sorry kaminari but I just dont know how to talk to you...
I get up and walk upstairs to my dorm and flop on my bed looking through my messages Momo, Ochako, Mina, dumanari, dumanari I clicked on his contact and let my finger hover over the block button before finally pressing it....sorry kaminari but I just cant be friends with you anymore
I said shutting my phone of and laying in bed closing my eyes. As I drifted to sleep I woke up the next morning feeling gloomy as ever and soon heard a knock at my door "Kyoka are you okay? you've hadn't come out of your room yet" Momo asks from the other side of the door "I-im not feeling well it's best if I dont go to class" I lie "Is everything alright? Do you have a fever?" Momo says concerned "Yeah I'm fine just tell Mr. Aizawa that I'm not feeling well." "Ok I'll check on you when I come back from school" she says before walking off, I lay back in bed trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the day I honestly felt fine but if I were to leave someone would notice I was lying about how I was feeling and probably tell Mr. Aizawa I plugged one of my earphone Jack's into my phone and drifted back to sleep to the sound of music

Kaminari's: POV

I take my seat and look around the room to see if I spot jirou I noticed she wasn't in the room and I started to worry I walked up to yayorozu "Yayorozu" I say behind the tall black haired girl "Yes kaminari?" She replies simply turning to face me "Do you know where jirou is?" I say rubbing the back of my neck as blood have found it's way to my cheeks "Oh kyoka wasn't feeling well" she says before talking again "To be honest she hasn't acted like herself, ever since the camp trip" yayorozu said putting her finger to her lips I flelt my heart race did Jirou tell yayorozu what happened more importantly am I the reason she hasn't been acting normally, I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONT THAT IM SUCH AN IDIOT!, I said to myself "I wonder what happened at camp that caused her to act differently" yayorozu says concerned "oh uh- Me too!" I say quickly before rushing to my seat

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