I just wanted to say

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Lemme get something straight if you think this fanfic is bad and cringe that's fine but if you are gonna comment about it and criticize me for it get out you could just not read it you dont have to say your opinion cause I made this fanfic knowing it was gonna be pretty cringey but surprisingly some people liked it And that makes me happy I know this fanfic isn't the best but its also my first so if you see me spell something incorrectly point it out just dont be mean about it also if you think this fanfic is cringey just dont read it it's that simple.

for the people who actually do like reading my fanfic I would like to thank you for reading this I know it's not that good and my writing abilities are pretty trashy but I'm working on that I honestly didn't even think this story through tbh I kinda just went along with it my next fanfic should be A LOT BETTER than this since I already know what its gonna be about anyways I would like to thank you for reading this fanfic I really appreciate it.

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