Break up

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Jiro's POV:

I was so annoyed with everyone and everything i honestly just wanted to go home and curl up in a small ball and scream but I couldn't I immediately left class as soon as the bell rung I couldn't stand seeing Akane she just started at kaminari all class and I had not idea why I even cared I made my way to the cafeteria meeting up with Mina "Heyyy jiroooo!!!" Mina called out "What do you want?" I said sounding a bit grumpy "Whatsss wrongggggg girl???" Mina asked trying lighten the mood "Idk its fucking Akane all shes fucking doing is staring and hanging out with Den- I meant kaminari and its annoying the fuck out of me" I said angrily "Its alright jiro you shouldn't give a fuck about him!" Mina spat "I Know! but I cant help it I love him.." I said "Jiro hes an asshole" Mina replied "I know! and I hate it but something just wont let me let go of him!" I spat "I dont know what to tell you I guess but if you want we can hang out after school and talk about it?" Mina said in attempts to make me feel better "Yea sure whatever" I said as we quickly sat down at the table as we ate I could not help but glare over to Akane who was sitting with tsu and momo I looked over to where bakugo was to see him, kirishima, and sero I couldn't help but notice that kaminari wassn't there I scanned around the lunch room noticing kaminari in the corner alone he had his head down and he wasn't eating I watched as some kids from different classes teased him about what had happened it kinda hurt watching him like this that wasn't the kaminari I knew but I brushed my feelings off turning my attention back to my food quietly eating as time went by I got full quickly and gave the rest to Mina and soon the bell rung

[Time skip]

I walked back to the dorms knowing kaminari wanted to talk later but I didn't really care I walked over to my room finally being able to change from my uniform to my comfortable hoodies I looked along the line of hoodies and couldn't help but notice a Pikachu one I quickly picked it and threw it over myself I loved Pikachu he was my favorite pokemon and I was surely not gonna start hating him over a stupid boy I soon threw myself on my bed opening a bag of chips and eating while listening to my music Sooner or later I heard a knock at my door "Who is it" I said before I knew it a tall blonde spikey haired boy walked in "What do you want bakuhoe?" I asked pausing my music  "Mina told me to come and get you" he simply replied "For what??" I asked "Idk and are you seriously wearing a Pikachu hoodie???" He asked "yes now leave me alone" I replied "Nah nah nah doesn't that fucking hoodie remind you of kaminari?!" he asked "Yes now shut up I'm over him I just happen to like Pikachu's" I muttered"The face your making doesn't seem as if you were over him" he laughed "Bakugo I swear to god if you dont shut the fuck up-" I snarled "yeah yeah whatever just hear me out" he interrupted "Please dont hate kaminari for what's gonna happen alright?" He simply said "Even if I wanted to I cant bring myself to hate him...." I mumbled "Alright I'll be leaving now" he said leaving my room I sighed as I went back on my phone entering my camera roll to see a bunch of pictures of kaminari and I it kinda hurt seeing them not gonna lie but for some reason they made me happy aswell i soon exited my camera roll and quickly made my way downstairs  towards the girls "Hey girly we wanted to know if you wanna go to the mall with us?" Mina asked "Um no I'm fine" I replied simply "Um alright I'll see you when we get back!" Mina said before walking off I laid on the couch continuing to swipe through my songs before getting a notification it was from kaminari

Hey jiro..

What do you want?

Can you please meet me outside in the backyard..????




Well that's fucking annoying I quickly went outside waiting until seeing yours truly Denki kaminari "For God's fucking sake what do you want???" I said angrily "Hey Uhm jiro I think we should- um break-... break up..." He said sounding sad My heart pounding as it fell into my stomach it hurt it hurt a lot "Um yea sure whatever..." I muttered trying to keep the tears in my eyes "I'm uh sorry...." kaminari muttered in between his teeth "Yea... it's whatever I dont really care..." I spat turning around running towards the dorms...

[Word count: 845]

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