Uneasy feeling

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Denki's POV:

I was somewhat angry at Akane for hanging up like that I wasn't busy at all so why would she say I was??? I questioned whatever "Why did you even wanna come in here???" I asked looking over to the long haired girl "I was hoping we could watch a movie!" she said excitedly "Uhhhhh......" I let out I didn't really like being in my room alone with her it was making me uncomfortable and I had no idea why maybe it was because shes a girl??? and shes not my girlfriend either way I had to say something "Uh sure" Fuck no I said the wrong thing ughhh! "Yay!" She said grabbing my controller and looking for a movie Tonight was gonna be a long one....

[Time skip]

Throughout the movie Akane kept getting closer to me and grabbing my hand it was quite unusual and very uncomfortable for me. we were getting to the end if the movie so I was glad but then something happened Akane climbed on top of me making me very uncomfortable she then slowly brought her face closer to mine and whispered something I couldn't really hear what she said but as soon as she finished her sentence she got off of me I looked at her confused and uncomfortable "Uhhhhh what did you say???" I gulped "You didn't hear me???" Akane looked frustrated "Just tell me so you can leave I'm hella tired!" I lied I honestly wanted her out my room "Fine!" she said batting her eyes innocently "What do you like about jiro so much?!" She asked losing her kind voice "What do you mean?" I asked why the hell was she asking "You heard me! what is it about her?!? to me there's nothing interesting I know shes my cousin but I'm being honest!" she spat out making my blood boil "I just do and if you have a problem with it get out!" I yelled "Oh pikachu I never said I had a problem with it!" She said smiling putting her hand on one of my hair strands and playing with it making me feel uneasy "I just simply asked what do you find interesting..." she said losing her smile

"I find everything about her interesting" I say "Oh..." Akane lets out looking at the ground lost in thought "Well I find everything about you interesting!" she says lound enough for me to hear " Its a complement " She said smiling "Thanks?" I say "Also why is she so mean to you most couples are so nice to each other and they dont argue or tease or hit each other!" Akane annoyed me with all her questions "That's just the way jiro shows her love though" I say getting quite annoyed "Oh well if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here!" She says smiling "Um okay, is that all?" I asked "Yea!" she says hugging me for a bit to long "See you tomorrow!" she said walking out the door I sighed in relief as she left I picked up my phone and called jiro but she wouldn't pick up maybe she was asleep I dont know I'll talk to her tomorrow as I rested in my bed trying to fall into a deep slumber

[Time skip]

I woke up tired as usual I had promised jiro to hang out with her today so I was very excited I made my way to her dorm and knocked No reply... "Jiro?" I asked still no answer I knocked again and nothing I pulled out my phone and texted her and she didn't reply Maybe she's in the living room "Hey have any of you seen jiro?" I asked looking around the room "Why would you wanna know where she is?" Mina asked giving me a mean look "Cause I promised to go to the mall with her?" I said happily "Well your plans are canceled so go away before I beat your ass" She snapped back "What's up with you mina?!" I asked confused why was she being so rude to me "Goodmorning Pikachu!" I heard a familiar voice say "Goodmorning...Akane" I mumbled back she still made me feel uneasy "Tch" mina said turning her head "What did I do?!?!" I questioned "Shut up! before I murder you I'm leaving!" she said running off "Why is she being so rude and why is everyone giving me a weird look!?" I spat "I have no idea" Akane smiled before walking away  Whatever I'm gonna go look for jiro...

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