Chapter 22

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Cameron walked over to the entry and stopped. "After you, princessa."He smiled.

I walked over and shoved him lightly. "Shut up." I directed in a joking mannor.

I slowly made my way downstairs with Cameron following me. When I got down to the bottom I saw a bunch of teenagers drinking alcohol and smoking. I backed up with a goal of leaving but ran into Cameron.

"You've been here less than four seconds and you already want to leave, that's cute." Cameron insulted.

"No way am I leaving. I just am not used to this environment." I replied.

"I know you're not used to being around cool people, all you do is hang out with Matt." He insulted.

"Whatever, Dallas." I said walking away. 

I didn't know where I was walking, I was just walking. I had to get away from Cameron. I couldn't find Matt so I found a spot on a couch where no one was. I sat down, pulled put my phone and scrolled through my Instagram. It was filled with kids selfies that were at the party. They looked like they were having the time of their lives. Maybe Madison was right, I was just some anti-social freak. I looked over and at the other of the couch was a couple making out. I rolled my eyes and puffed getting up to walk yet again to no set destination. 

I spotted Matt talking to a random boy that I didn't know. I hurried over to him and sighed in relief. 

"What are you doing here?" Matt questioned smiling.

I could smell the alcohol jump out of his mouth. I knew I had to get out there, I wasn't safe. The only person I could depend on was intoxicated. I started walked up the stairs aiming to get out there when a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned seeing Matt.

"Don't leave." Matt begged.

 I gave up and Matt led me into his room. I thought we were just going to play a video game or something, I was wrong. Matt opened his door then slammed me against the wall and started kissing me very ruff. I wanted it to keep happening, but then the reminder that he was drunk turned me off.

"Matt, stop." I mumbled.

He wasn't stopping.

I pushed him away causing him to bump into his dresser. Something glass fell over and shattered on the ground. Matt continued kissing me not being affected my the broken glass that was around. I fell more into the kiss forgetting the fact that he was drunk because he was such an amazing kisser. The kiss got more intense when Matt pushed me on his bed and hovered over me still continuing making out with me. 

His kisses trailed down my mouth to my neck. The reminder that he was intoxicated hit me again when he tugged at the top of my sweatpants. "Stop." I directed pushing him off of me causing both of us to fall to the floor.

Matt still on top of me said, "Just shut up and go with it."

The words pierced my ears. It had came over me what his intentions were and I had to get out of there.

Matt kissed my neck while his hands were tight on my waist. I lifted my leg from it's straight position on the ground to arch it up hoping it would give me more strength. While I did that a shard off glass cut through my sweatpants cutting my leg from my ankle to my knee. I let out a cry of pain causing Matt to go back to kissing me on my lips to get me to shut up. I turned my face away, pushed Matt away with all my strength giving me enough room to get up and get out, which is exactly what I did.

I ran to my house not looking back. I grabbed all spare keys, shut all windows, closed all curtains, locked all doors and just cried on my bed. I wondered why I didn't scream. I told myself it was because I didn't have enough strength but that wasn't true. I didn't scream for help because I didn't want it. I didn't want anyone seeing how weak I was and I didn't want Matt to stop being my friend. 

I looked at my horrid, bloody mess of a right leg and I walked to the bathroom. I washed my leg then I put gauze around my leg. While I limped back to my room my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Cameron was calling me.




This chapter was difficult to write, I mean this is such a topic that is so scary. Yet, we shouldn't hide from it. In Social Studies me and a couple of other people got in trouble because we were talking about rape. Like what? Does my stupid teacher expect us to just hide from the topic? Sucky teacher in my opinion. 

Anyway, I hope you guys had a great holiday whatever you celebrated. You guys are truly perfect and I fuffkin love you all.

Catch Me (Matthew Espinosa, Cameron Dallas, and Bethany Mota)Where stories live. Discover now