Chapter 21

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Matt started walked up to us and asked what was going. Cameron and I kept arguing and so Matt joined in. All three of our frustrated voices overlapped. We went at it for like ten minutes before I rolled my eyes causing me to notice a little blonde girl sitting on her tricycle watching us. My eyes widened so Matt and Cam stopped talking and turned to see what made me mute.

"What do you want kid?" Cameron asked rudely.

"A horsie, but that isn't going to happen." She sighed.

I tried hiding my smile but I failed. The little girl hopped off her bike and waddled over to us. "So you both like her?" She said pointed at me. A lump appeared in my throat instantly.

"Skylynn.. Why are you here?" Matt asked.

"Listen, I'm just a kid who is trying to ride her tricycle. Once you three figure out this weird love thing, then maybe I can ride my bike out here again." Skylynn got back on her tricycle and peddled away.

I could of sworn I heard her mumbled that we need Jesus.

I stormed off into my house from frustration and slammed the door. Who did Cameron think he was?

Cameron's POV

"What's wrong with her.?" I asked pointing at the direction she headed off.

"Just to be clear, you don't like Bethany, right?" Matt asked.

"Yes I do." I smirked.

Matt's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"I'm just kidding. If I was serious, I wouldn't tell you." I laughed causing Matt to get mad so I ran into the house while he chased after me.

While we ran Matt's mom stopped us. "You guys need to be mature tonight! I'm going to help Aunt Deborah with unpacking in her new house all tonight, okay?" She said grabbing her purse heading outside.

Matt and I nodded signaling her to tell us where all the emergency info was then she left.

"Text everyone you know, we are going to have a huge party." I stated.

With some insults and sweet talk I convinced Matt to allow a party to happen.

Bethany's POV

It was so late and I could barely keep my eyes open, but I had to finish that episode of America's Next Top Model. My mom popped into my room with puppy eyes and a pouty face on.

Oh gosh.

"Me and your dad are going to have to work all night. Are you going to be okay?" My mom asked sweetly.

"Yeah, sure." I sighed.

My mom gave me a hug then left. The con of having parents that are surgeons.

The ANTM episode finally finished and I fell asleep.


All of the sudden I heard noises. My heart pounded really fast, I tighten my eyes.

"Guys, you need to shut up. You don't want to wake her up." A voice said.

It sounded a lot like Cameron. "Man, she sleeps with so many clothes on. This is so not worth ten dollars, Cameron." An unfamiliar voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I saw Cameron sitting on my desk chair with his feet resting on my desk counting money and a bunch of nerds that looked like freshmen.

As soon as the nerds saw me notice them they ran like the idiots they are. I was so mad. Cameron glanced over and said, "Babe, you're ruining my business."

I slipped on my black and white vans and ran out of my house. I looked so bad. I was wearing sweat pants and a tie dye shirt. I walked into Matt's yard and noticed that all the lights were on and the front door was wide open, it was like 2am. I walked in and saw a random kid in the kitchen. He grabbed a bag of chips then walked downstairs to the basement. 

I started walking when a pair of arms wrapped around me. I gasped and moved out of them. I turned to see who it was, and with no surprise, it was Cameron. "I'm so sick of you, Cameron." I yelled and started walking out the door.

Cameron grabbed my wrist and said, "Let's make a deal. If you stay at the party all night, then me and Madison will actually try during the Feetball competition." 

"That's a deal, Dallas." I smirked.



I haven't updated in two years because finals are ugh. I will updating so much because I'm on break now. Oh! I included Skylynn for a reason by the way. Just in case you were wondering why she just popped up then left. 

So I was texting this idiot and I was trying to spell Hanukah. Auto correct changed it to hangernail ah. 

I don't know anymore, hahahahahaha.

I also went to the Jack & Jack concert and woah. 

DISCLAIMER: I know Bethany's parents are not surgeons.

ALSO! I'm going to be releasing a new book soon named 'Dorms.' 

Do I have any Luke Hemmings fans in da house?

The story is about this girl named Addison who is goes to non-sexist boarding school and her roommate is Luke, a player who is emotionally broken on the inside. 

I love you guys so much, like you have no idea.

Catch Me (Matthew Espinosa, Cameron Dallas, and Bethany Mota)Where stories live. Discover now