Chapter 18

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Matt and Madison looked mad. I understand why Madison was mad, but I was really confused as to why Matt looked mad.

Madison gritted her teeth, while Matt looked disgusted and surprised.

"Let's go, Matt." Madison said linking arms with Matt as they exited the bowling alley. Madison of course had to turn around and smirk at me just before she was out of my sight.

Cameron and I sighed turning at an angle to see that the worker guy behind the counter was watching us.

"That. Was Amazing." The Indian worker who looked very nerdy said. I looked at his name tag that was saying Rajid (RAH-GEED)

"Just the way you guys kissed, but you left your boyfriend alone which was kinda of an 'aw' moment, but then-"

"He not my boyfriend." I cut him off.

"Anyway! Are you guys going to stay?" He said trying to leave the awkward moment that I had created.

I glanced at Cameron to see what he wanted to do.

"Well we have about two hours until the next bus comes anywhere close, I think. So you want to stay?" Cameron asked.

"Sure." I smiled very little.

Rajid, the worker guy, walked over to the cash register so we followed.

"So four games for two people plus the shoes." Cameron notified.

Rajid tried punching in the numbers in the cash register but they weren't working.

"This dang thing has been acting very strange. It just won't work." Rajid complain.

"Well the total is 25.87." Cameron stated.

Rajid pulled out a calculator and punched in the numbers.

"You're right! You did all that in your head? With the deal and the tax? That is amazing!" Rajid fanboyed.

My jaw dropped, yet I was really confused. Cameron brushed it off like it was nothing, but Rajid and I were freaking out.

Cameron and I started our game.

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

"Add and subtract? Doesn't take a genius." Cam sassed.

Well isn't he just rainbows and sunshine.

Cameron guttered for the first three frames so I tried helping him, because I am like the best bowler. I grabbed Cameron hand and put it on the ball where it was supposed to be while his other hand was in the bowling ball. When Cameron still guttered we laughed really hard.

"Bowling is sorta my thing. What sports do you play?" I said.

"Well I grew up on a golf course." Cameron said.

"What!??!?!" I questioned.

"Not literally! My parents own a country club so I am pretty golf-y." Cameron grinned.

"Not surprised your parents own a country club considering how snobby you are." I joked.

"You're pretty sassy, Bethany Mota." Cameron said.

I laughed and we continued the game.

Cameron guttered most of the time, while I got mostly strikes and spares. Finally, Cameron went and got his bumpers activated. He still couldn't catch up to my score. On our last frame of our last game Cameron missed his spare and I got a strike.

"How do you keep doing that???" Cam asked.

"Knock down pins with a ball? Doesn't take a genius." I sassed.

We both laughed as we walked out of the bowling alley to the bus stop. We sat down on the bench and waited for the bus for about 30 mins until we both dozed off at the bus stop.


I blinked my eyes to see an old woman tapping on my shoulder. I quickly sat up and looked at my surroundings. Cameron and I had fallen asleep on the bus stop and were there all night. I looked at my phone and it said 7:30. I shook Cameron really hard and woke him up. He looked really confused.

I grabbed Cameron and we started running to school. I yelled thank you to the lady who woke me up without turning around.

"Why are we running??" Cameron asked while we were still running.

"We can't be late again or else we will be expelled!" I stated.

Cameron and I picked up the pace. Finally we reached the front door of the school and ripped it open. We both sighed in relief because we had made it to school on time and weren't going to get suspended. Then we realized that everyone was staring at us, whispering to one another, pointing, laughing, and gasping. Cam and I were very confused.

Until I realized why they were staring at us.

I turned to Cameron and whispered "Look at us. We are wearing the same clothes from yesterday and Matt and Madison know we were alone."

Cameron's jaw dropped. "So everyone thinks we were together last night, on purpose?"

"Yes!" I yelled in frustration.

I started walking to first period.

My mind went straight to Matt. How will he react? Then my mind went to Madison. What was she going to do with the rumor. Lastly, my mind went to Cameron. Will he tell the truth or lie to be cooler.



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Catch Me (Matthew Espinosa, Cameron Dallas, and Bethany Mota)Where stories live. Discover now