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I have no patience to wait till my other KiriBaku book is finished to post this one. Take advantage of that.

I am walking in to my house, the door creaking slightly as I open it. Most would say that it's creepy but it's almost like my apartment is saying 'Welcome Home!' to me since no one else is here to do so.

I set down the paper work that I was handed when I left my work today. Most likely stuff for me to sign saying I'm okay with modeling for so-and-so's company. Most of the time I love my job but I hate the paperwork aspect of it. That's why I love YouTube. I get to model off my own make up styles, get payed, AND don't have to do paperwork! Even though I make enough money off of YouTube I still would never quit my modeling job since I enjoy both of them so much.

I walk into my bed room and lazily flop down on to my bed. I let out a little grunt went I feel my phone pinch my skin from my pant pocket and pull it out. I unlock it then move to see how my newest photo's from my shoot earlier today are going.

I smile at the amount of notification I have before clicking on Instagram. I only posted the photo's about thirty minutes ago when I left work and I'm already being blown up with likes and comments.

 I only posted the photo's about thirty minutes ago when I left work and I'm already being blown up with likes and comments

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I had to admit, it was a really good photo of me. We went light on the make up today manly focusing on the blush. Also my boss said for the more 'soft' aesthetic I should keep my hair down so I did. But even then I'm can't help but love every single like and comment I have gotten so far.

I start to scroll through my feed deciding to wait a least an hour before I start looking through my comments and replying to as many as I can.

I saw that Mina tagged me in a comment so after liking a few things in my feed I went to check it out. As soon as I saw it my cheeks became bright red.

 As soon as I saw it my cheeks became bright red

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[ON HOLD BUT NOT DISCONTINUED] Random DM { K I R I B A K U }Where stories live. Discover now