Go See Him

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Y'all.. I don't even have an authors note for the beginning.....

OH! Thanks for almost 1K reads! I'll give y'all a special once we finally hit it.

Should Bakugou

Ask about him/
Just go see him

>Just go see him<

My most important questions will be answered by just seeing him. I need to fucking see him.

"Just bring me fucking to him." I growl at the eh lady (it's okay Bakugou, you can say she's nice)

She smiles softly. "Of course. Right this way."

She heads towards the door and Kirishima's small group of friends and I rush after her. She takes forever to reach the door but finally we do. The door number reads 203 and Kaminari gives it a weird glance before shivering and leaning into Shinsou's side even more.


We all walk into the room to see him laying limply on a bed. Bandages wrap around his upper chest all the way down to his hips. He has a huge bandage on his arm and a strangely placed piece of medical tape held down a large cotton like bandaid. An IV wire sticks out of his left arm along with some wires from a thing on his finger that looks like a finger cast that helps record his heart beat. Speaking of which is heard from painfully slow beeps, but still there.

Sero I'd the first to move from his spot and grabs a chair to move to the left side of the bed near his feet. It makes a painful scraping sound as he drags it but it successfully snaps Mina out of her daze.

She grabs a chair and brings it next to Sero. She sits down and grabs his arm and hugs it.

Shinsou moves next forcing Kaminari to move. He grabs one chair and brings it to the very end of the bed. He sits down and the blonde sits in his lap while wrapping his arms around his neck.

Normally I would have gaged at the open display of affection but since sobs from both Mina and Kaminari could be heard I just quietly dragged a chair next to the spot near the red head idiots head on the right side.

It's silent mostly.

No one says a word but the beeping continues.





B E Ę p

A small chuckle leaves my lips drawing the attention of the group. I let my hand freely move some small stands out of blood red hair off of his face.

"I remember when he first DMed me. I kinda freaked out that he did since I like his stupid videos—don't you fuckers dare telling him that—and forced myself to act annoyed although I wasn't." Another laugh leaves my lips. "Okay, I was kind of annoyed since it was late- well, early in the morning."

Silence took over the group for a second before Mina spoke. "We met in middle school. A guy, who's name a still remember, Mineta, tried groped me and Kiri lost his shit. He threw the fucker of the ground with courage he normally didn't have back then and told him off and almost got physical. A teacher stepped in before he could. I thanked him and started hanging out with him after that. We have been best friends ever since." A smile never left her lips as she spoke.

Sero squeezed her hand that she now held instead of his entire fucking arm! "We met in high school after Mina apparently told him that she had a crush on me. He cornered me in the hall, gave me a once over, then said that if I ever hurt her he would hurt me physically and mentally, and I was scared. You guys have seen Kiri. He is the kindest person you will ever meet but he has the fuck build of Hercules. Thank goodness we ended up being good friends." He ended with a sigh.

"Oh my-" A small series of giggles that were trying to be held back, but couldn't, from Kaminari interrupted his statement. "Oh my god! Me and," a snicker, "Shinsou met Kiri at a College party and, oh my god!" He broke into a huge fit of laughter that Mina joined in even though she didn't know why he was laughing. Soon the whole room did, including me, fucking surprising right? And it felt good to laugh.

Shinsou took off where the idiot left off. "I thought he was flirting with Kaminari since I was way past drunk and started yelling at him. He was like a deer caught in head lights but thankfully Kaminari explained what was going on, they were just talking, and I started to yell at him for not thinking my boyfriend was hot enough to flirt with. Needless to say the next day when we bumped into each other at a coffee shop was interesting."

Everyone broke off into even bigger laughing fits. Pikachu was laughing so hard he fell out of Brain Freaks lap. That only made everyone laugh even harder.

After a bit of more stupid story's that included the red head the bun headed nurse walked into the room with a small smile.

"I'm sorry to say but visiting hours are over." She announced. "But you all are allowed to come back tomorrow at 9am."

Everyone stood with a sigh and left the room, everyone but me.

I can't leave. If he wakes up and I'm not here I don't know what I would do with myself. But if I stay I could get kicked out from the entire hospital and then where would I be? I need to make damn sure Kirishima knows that we are here for him when he wakes up.

Should Bakugou



If any of you get the room 203 thing you rock.

Same things s last time. I hate/love this book and the only reason I hate it is cause I can't pre-write chapters so I don't have to deal with not having an update for my other version of this book.

Next chapter will most likely be the 1K special and your only hint is it's the dream Kirishima is having while passed out and should turn out really fluffy.

Till Next Time

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