This is Goodbye

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Art isn't mine^

I was shocked when half of you guys were like "Don't text goodbye". Y'all really do like angst! *sniff* So proud. But there was one more vote for texting his friends goodbye so here->

What should Kirishima do?

Text his friends goodbye/
Finally die in peace

>Text his friends goodbye<

I can't live with myself if I don't text them goodbye. Well, I'm going to die either way but still.

I weakly reach for my phone and wipe off the screen. It doesn't too much. I unlock it, messing up a few times and almost getting locked out—thankfully I didn't— and open up Messages. (Bakugou gave me his phone number when we talked for so long the other time for "Emergency's". He doesnt want someone to hack Twitter and leak our chats) For the love of God, please look at your phone Mina.

New group chat created by The Rock🗿

BakuBoom💥 was added
💄Mama Mina💋 was added
Pikachu Cosplayer⚡️ was added
🤭🤫Drug Supplier was added saw
1 Minute of Sleep 😴 was added

The Rock🗿
I'm sorry. I really am. You all are the best friends anyone could ever ask for and I'm so lucky to have had you in mine. I want to say that this had nothing to do with any of you. I have wanted, no needed, to do this for a long time.

Mina, thank you for being someone I could confide in. You know more about my home life then anyone else but thankfully not all. You are an amazing friend and just because you are grieving, don't stop being that amazing person you are.

Pikachu Cosplayer⚡️
What are you going on about dude?


The Rock🗿
Kaminari, thank you for being someone who could cheer me up when I was down. I have worn many smiles in my life, most of which were fake, but around you they were real. Don't shut people out like you do when you are upset. I promise you will be fine eventually.

1 Minute of Sleep 😴
Kirishima, I'm sure this isn't sounding like you mean for it to.

Pikachu Cosplayer⚡️
Yeah dude. Your kinda scaring me.

The Rock🗿
Sero, thank you for looking out for everyone one. As much as you like to act like you are carefree and couldn't care lass if you got in trouble, you always look out for us. You are going to have to look out for the others a lot more when I'm gone.

💄Mama Mina💋
Gone? Kiri what's happening? Are you leaving because of my fight?


Pikachu Cosplayer⚡️
What's going on! Who are you? I'm starting to get scared! Kiri please!

The Rock🗿
Shinso, thank you for being you. You were brave enough to share that you been bullied but that doesn't stop you from being yourself. Also, thank you for looking after Kaminari. Please make sure that he doesn't shut everyone out once I'm gone.

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