Hospital Visit

242 23 13

Bakugou won! Sorry all of you guys wanting to see Kami but don't worry, his time will come and I will enjoy writing that scene.

Should Bakugou

Go to the hospital/
Wait till he is allowed

>Go to the hospital<

Fuck it.


I watch as the Ms. Ai Kimi, the nurse that has been helping me mostly and almost always wears her hair in a bun, leaves the room. She just checked all my vitals and stuff like that. My speech has actually gotten a little better since yesterday, I can say one complete word now then have a long break in my speech before saying another one, but that is still not even close to what it use to be.

I look down at the sheets covering me with a frown. My visiting hours are going to start in ten minutes but I wonder if Bakugou is actually going to come. I really hope so. I miss him. Whether I miss my friend or crush, I do not know.


"Shh! One of the nurses will hear us and-!"


"Kachan, she is right. You need to be quieter."


"Do not touch my boyfriend."


I look over at the window only to see two hands trying to open it and the top of spiky blonde hair. Bakugou.

A bright smile lights up on my lips. I grab the bed post with my uninjured hand and stand up. I wince as all the cuts on my waist and chest start to burn. I reach out my arm that I am currently not allowed to use and just barely unlock the window. As soon as I do that the window flys open and I hear a victorious shout from Bakugou. I smile but can not push off the feeling of being slightly lightheaded. The hothead uses his upper body strength to push himself up and into the room.

He rest on the windowsill and looks over at me. At once he quickly stands with a snarl on his face, "The fuck shitty hair! Sit down!" I weakly lay against his side as he helps me on to the bed.

"Came," I say with a smile.

He shakes his head at me, "Of course I came you numskull." He quickly walks to the window and flicks off whoever helped him up before closing it. He walks back over to where I am resting in the bed and sits down on the edge. With a slightly shaky hand he brushes my hair out of my face. I frown at how shaky it is and nudge him with my foot.

"Huh, what is it?" He asks while frowning as well.

I grab is wrist and hold up his hand, "Shake."

He chuckles and draws his hand back. He places it on my knee with a frown, "My hand is shaking because I didn't expect this to be how we met face to face."

My eyes widen as I realize that he is right. The first time we are having a conversation in person, you can barely call it that. I am in a hospital bed only able to utter one word at a time. I drop my glaze from his face to where he is resting his hand on my knee, "Sorry."

"You damn well should be," he says surprising me. I look up with widened eyes. His glaze is harsh but I can tell that he is not just saying that to be mean. "You fucking tried to kill yourself when you have so fucking many people who care about you. If you ever pull this shit again I will never speak to you again. Got it?"

Tears start slipping down my cheeks but I nod my head. God, I am so selfis-

"Stop it. I did not tell you that so you could beat yourself up, I told you that so you would never try something so stupid again," I nod my head but tears still continue to flow down my cheeks.

He shockingly does not hesitate to pull me into a hug while being cautious of the right side of my body. I start sobbing as I wrap one arm around him. He is smaller then me so his face is pressed into the crook in my neck and I let my head rest on top of his. Tears and snot continue to flow as I grip tightly to his black shirt.

Eventually we pull away and I smile weakly at him, "Thank."

He nods his head but points at my face, "It's fine Red but I better not see any more fake smiles."

I nod my head but my eyes flutter shut while doing so. I quickly open them and sheepishly smile at him.

"You're tired?"

I shake my head 'no'.

"Red, do not lie to me," he warns with a strict voice.

"Little," I admit as my eyes flutter shut again.

Before I can open them back up he has a hand over my eyes so I can not. "Go to sleep then," is all he says while helping me lay down.

"Don't......le..eave..." I attempt both words at once but only exhaust myself more.

"I won't leave, I promise. Just go to sleep," he tells me while letting his voice become quieter.

I weakly nod my head and fall into a peaceful sleep.


I glance away from the beautiful sight of Kirishima and at the door. It is getting later in the day and I do not want to get caught again. I promised him I would not leave though. Shit. What do I do?

Should Bakugou
Keep his promise/
Break it


I was going to make this angsty. I promise but I got side tracked.

The nurses name means Love You cause we all love her.

Do not get mad at Bakugou's comments this chapter, it is realistic. (I guess I had a little angst)

Till Next Time

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