Host a Live

415 29 18

I'm posting early so I can pre-write more chapters....

I love this book so much! AHH! Y'all should try making a book like this because it's fun to think y'all are going to pick one and then y'all pick the exact opposite.

It ended up being tied so I decided to do the one I wanted more (aka more angst) And honestly you guys surprised me with half the votes being for this option because I would think that you want Mina to come over so he could (possibly, not definitely) get found out about cutting again. But I guess not...

What should I do?

Do our planed colab/
Host a live on YouTube

>Host a live on YouTube<

I don't have enough time to clean the bathroom and I can't risk her figuring out.

Sorry Mina but can we postpone it to a later date?

But we have been planing this 4 forever!

I know but I'm feeling a little under the weather. Maybe next week?

Sure. Feel better Kiri!

I will!

I frown. I hate lying to my friends but I don't want- can't have her know. I'll make it up to my followers by hosting a live a noon. Until then I need to take a nap.


"Hey guys! Now that more people are on I'll explain what's up. I decided to do a surprise live! I'll just be playing around with makeup while answering your questions."

I smile at the camera as I read what people are commenting on the side screen. Most are hearts or 'Hi!'s.

I get started explaining what I'm doing as I go. I start with foundation and concealer while reading questions.

"'Did you always want to be a YouTuber?' Actually I'm not a full time YouTuber, I'm a model as well. And to answer your question, no. My best friend Mina, also know as Alien Queen, wanted to jump on the trend of 'My best guy friend does my makeup!' And so I did it and it ended up being pretty good."

I stop tapping the sponge to my skin and then point at the screen. "Actually that's a lie. It was bad but for a beginner it was pretty good. Thankfully I have improved since then."

I go back to doing my makeup as I let a few more comment and questions roll in. After putting on some (unblended) contour I looked back over.

Alien Queen has joined the live

"Really Kiri? You said you were under the weather and that's why you didn't want to do the colab today!"

Instantly I feel bad. I shouldn't have done the live. I stop doing my makeup and put everything down.

"I was feeling under the weather and then I started feeling better. I'm sorry for not just trying to hold out a little longer to see how I felt before the live."

Her reply takes a second but as soon as I see it I reply.

"I can tell your lying and that hurts worse"

"I'm not! I really did feel bad and then started feeling better. Mina, please don't be mad."

Alien Queen has left the live

I sigh and rub my temples. I just got in a rare fight with my best friend and it was aired live. Great.

I grab a blush and started blending my makeup while putting on a smile. If I act like it's no big deal then people will talk about it less.

Even though I haven't gotten in a fight with her in over two years and I feel like sobbing my eyes out.

"Okay I'm going to read a question before I start my eyeshadow." I glance at the screen and it lights up with questions.

I close one eye and start putting on bright red eyeshadow. "'Have you ever been to a YouTube convention?' No, I haven't. I want to though because it would be so much fun to meet you guys although I have met a few people here and there in public."

I take a break and look back over at the questions before going on to my next eye. "Yes, I do have a crush on a YouTuber."

I leave my answer at that and finish off my eyeshadow with some wings and mascara. After I finish my eye makeup I blink my eyes repetitively so I don't cry.

I turn back to the screen. Of course everyone is asking who it is. I roll my eyes and start applying some light blush.

"I'm not telling you who my YouTube crush is. I know that one of you are going to tell him and then I'll never be allowed to stock him again. It would be to embarrassing." I dramatically throw my head back.

I smile and apply some (light) lipstick before untying my hair. I look over at the camera. "I'll be right back." Then stand up and leave.

I open my bathroom door and am met with the smell of bleach and blood. Sure it looks spotless now but I can still smell the blood. I make my way to the counter and pull out my hair jell from the drawer on my right. I spike my hair and then leave to head to the live.

"I'm back and this is the finished look!" I say to the watchers. I grab the camera and move it to show off my face and eye makeup. I set it down, taking a second to get in the spot I want it before looking at the live feed.

"Why didn't you text me back asshole?"

My eyes widen and everyone loses there shit. Asking me when I texted GrounZero and why isn't text him back.

So he's who I accidentally texted. Shit.

I steady my breathing before going into my options. I could just cut the live here since technically I did finish my make up look. But people will go crazy and start to speculate about things that aren't even happening. Or I could say I have no idea what he's talking about. Play it off like that and then end my live like normal. But then he might expose me.

"Answer me Red. I know you saw my fucking question."

Shit. I need to pick what to do now before he exposes me in front of everyone.

What should I do?

End the live/
Lie and say I dont know what he's means


AAHHHH! For you this is like the third chapter but for me it's my fifth. It's about to get interesting y'all!

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