We Are Dating?

367 26 25

Latest on breaking your heart into a million pieces so I can sell them on the black market:

"Sir we need to hurry. I'm sorry."


What should Bakugou do?

Lie and say they are dating/
Drive his own car to the hospital

>Lie and say they are dating<

I can't worry about the effects this may have in the future, he's dying goddamnit!

"He is my boyfriend!" I shout and the nurse quickly escorts me into the vehicle. I climb in and sit down on a bench while looking at the most idiotic, annoying, stupid, amazing, kind, and caring person in the world. I grab his hand.

The doctors and nurses scramble around putting wires into him and checking several things that I don't even know the name of. I glance between the doctors then the boy laying down in front of me as tears flow freely.

I squeeze his hand tightly. "Why would you do this to yourself? You bring joy and happiness to everyone. Why can't you just feel a slice of how you make me feel?" I ask his unconscious figure.

As soon as I get out my question, more like plead, a loud single beep sounds through the car. A sob escapes my lips. The doctors push me back as they try to do anything to at least keep him alive till we are at the hospital where the right equipment is.

The car comes to a stop as a weak heartbeat comes back. It's gone as soon as it came and before I fully stand up they already are inside dashing to the emergency room. I attempt to go inside but fall on to my knees sobbing.


The owner of the distant shout came running up to me sand wrapped me in a hug. Normally I would push them away but none of this is normal. I cling tightly to the girl with pink hair as she cries as well.

After some time we stand up weakly and walk inside. I tell the front desk lady that we are here for Kirishima and she just writes that down before saying I can have a seat. I drag myself over to a chair then fall down into it. Pinky just to continues to cry but this time quieter as she keeps her head buried in her hand.

The other three come in later because Soy Sauce originally walked to Kirishima's house and had to go with Eye Bags and Smiley Face but their car ran out of gas half way to here. They just sit down as well filling up all the spare seats.

Lightning Bolt Boy keeps pushing TiredBoy away from him as he holds a blank look. Pinky just zones out looking at the door while crying. And lastly Black Shit looks between the group and then the door over and over. Based on what Kirishma texted and what I'm seeing I discovered everyone's real names.

Pikachu: Kaminari
Insomniac: Shinso
Pinky: Mina
Messed Up Elbows: Sero

After several more minutes of this dreadful silence I finally break it. "Aren't we going to call his parents or some shit?"

"We're you even paying attention to the messages he sent? Some boyfriend you are. He hates his parents and they hate him." Kaminari says real snappy.

I shoot him a glare. "Really? I'm the one we are bashing? What about his shits of friends that couldn't even tell he was trying to kill himself?!"

Kaminari stands up with a look of anger but Shinso steps in front of him. "Calm down the both of you."

Kaminari just weakly tries to shove him out of the way. "Like hell I'll calm down after what he just said!"

I stand up as well. "I'm pretty angry right now so thanks for offering to be my punching bag."

"More like y-"

"ENOUGH!" Everyone's heads whip over to the clearly distressed pink headed girl. "If we are talking about his texts did anyone remember one of his last ones? The one where he said he wanted us to become friends? I get you guys are upset and I am too but we all need to calm down. You guys are being toxic and one thing I know from middle school is that the more toxic Kirishma's environment is the worse he hurts himself. So if you guys don't stop it right now I'll make sure you don't get to see Kirishma once he's stable."

We all bow our heads. We don't want to hurt him worse and she's right, we are acting like children.

" 'm sorry." I mumble out before sitting back down.

"I'm sorry too." Kaminari says before hugging the purple haired boy and pulling them to a chair so he can sit in his lap.

Why couldn't he see it?

How doesn't he get it?

How can he not see that he makes everyone be a better person just by being there?

...and what happened with his parents?

Should Bakugou
Ask about his parents/
Just wait for him to wake up


It's really hard for me to write a straight filter chapter. Y'all are now going to make a joke that it's a gay filter chapter. Just do it, I know you want to.

This one is really important! And remember that one choice can possibly lead to a Mina POV.


I really want a Mina POV please!!! Pick the right one!

OH! I almost forgot, I, um, dontbemadpleaseilosttrackoftimethisweeksoidonthavetheotherchaptermadesoyouonlygetthischapterandmyotherbookwontbeupdatedsorry! Ha ha, yeaaah.

Till Next Time

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