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So we actually got a tie between Bakugou and Kaminari and I didn't just vote for the one I wanted I kind of reset the votes. I don't know how to describe it but at then end of the chapter you will understand what I mean.


Should Kirishima

Ask for Mina/
Ask for Bakugou/
Let Kaminari come

>Ask for Bakugou<

"....ba..ka..?.." I ask hopefully.

She frowns, "He can't come in since he still not allowed in the hospital."

It's my turn to frown, "...pl....es.....?"

She glances nervously at the nurse who looks at the two of us and shrugs, "What? I was late to tell you to leave so I don't know this conversation is happening." She smiles at us and steps out of the room.

Mina looks back over at me with her game face on, "He'll be here tomorrow."


I through the door open to see Mydoryia nervously pacing. His head jerks to me and I see relief flood his features before he notices my blood shot eyes and disheveled look.

"Kachan?! What's wrong!?" he asks frantically. Without thinking I walk over to him and wrap him in a hug as silent sobs leave my lips. "KACHAN?!"

"Do y..you," a sob interrupts my sentence and I hug him tighter, "forgive me f-for everything I..I said to you?"

I bury my head into his neck and sob for a second before he replies, "Of course Kachan. Why? What's wrong?"

"A-And you never," another sob leaves my lips, "you n..never listened to m-me when I t..told you to k-kill yourself?"

He wrapped his arms around my shaking frame and shook his head, "No! Kachan- come on, let's move to the couch." While I still grip on to his shirt he moves us to the couch and sits down. He rubs my back and waits till I calm down before speaking, "Can you tell me what happened?"


"I'm so sorry Kachan but I'm sure everything is going to work out. You said that your friend is in stable condition so that's good!" Deku says with a smile.

I scoff and shake my head while wiping my eyes, "Damn optimistic nerd."

He chuckles and smiles at me. "Yeah, I guess I am."


"Welcome to my f-freaking channel." The blonde quickly caught himself and took a deep breath. His eyes are red with dark bags under them and his hair is messier then normal. "As I'm sure all you extras can tell, today I'm not doing a normal make up video. And to make sure this can get more views I'm not going to curse."

He glanced off the screen at his lap and let out a breath, muttering, "Thank god."

He lifts up one of his hands to show his phone and places it somewhere out of way. Ground Zero takes one more breath before looking at the screen again. "That," he points at where he set down his phone, "is the entire freaking reason I'm making this video."

One of his hand goes through his hair and he sighs, "I'm sure all of you know what suicide is but in case anyone doesn't know what it is, it is when someone kills themself." He takes a deep breath before continuing, "It is a very serious topic that isn't discussed enough and very recently one of my friends tried to kill himself."

"I'm not going to tell you who because that is a really sh-bad thing to do to him. I just got the text that he woke up and is stable," he says weakly.

Bakugou looks up as his eyes start to glisten, "I'm not going to cry right now because if I do I won't be able to get this stupid video out." He looks down back at the camera, "And to make this as clear as I can, if I was able to be with him right now I would and wouldn't be making this but I'm not."

"For a short version of what this video is about, don't kill yourself and get help if you feel like committing suicide," he says sharply. "I don't care if you feel like no one cares or you are all alone but someone out there does and if you do kill yourself you will break them."

A scoff leaves his lips as he shakes his head, "I mean, look at me. I am currently fighting off sobbing for the tenth time since I've sat down to record this."

"I don't care if you feel like I'm guilting you by saying that the people you love will be devastated if you kill yourself because it is freaking true. I would rather everyone to unsubscribe from my channel and hate me from now on then anyone who watches this video to commit suicide. No, scratch that, I would rather that happen then for anyone to commit suicide," he said directly to the camera.

There was silence for a second before his phone buzzed again and he looked down at it. Without thinking the blonde stood up before noticing the camera, "I have to go and don't give two flying shoots that I didn't finish the video. I got the point across, now bye."


I look at my phone to see where Mina just texted me that I get to see Kirishima tomorrow. Shock that had washed over me soon disappeared and I quickly wrote my reply.

So the stupid ass doctors are letting me in?

No buuuuuuuut Kiri wants u so u r coming

The fuck? I'm not going to risk not seeing him for a week instead of two days so I'm not coming.
Also fix your fucking grammar.

NO!!! Kiri was so excited 4 u to come!!!!! Pleaaaaaaaaassseeee





Since you don't understand English I will say it in Spanish; NO!

Kiri needs to see his knight in shining armor!

What? Then let him see his "knight in shining armor". What does this have to do with me ?

His knight in shining armor is u so see u there!

I stare confused at my phone then sigh.

What the fuck is wrong with Kirishima's friends?

Should Bakugou

Go to the hospital/
Wait till he is allowed


The month of September is Suicide Awareness month! (I don't care if y'all still want to call it no simp September or super simp September just remember that it was Suicide Awareness month first!)

So I actually got a tie between letting Kaminari come or letting Bakugou come so I found a way for you guys to kind of redo the votes while still having picked an option from last time.

Please vote! (And know that when I say DON'T VOTE I mean fro the choice, I love likes!)

Till Next Time

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