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Y'all made your first choice! I'm so excited!

What do I do?

DM Mina on Instagram/
DM Mina on Twitter

>DM Mina on Twitter<

I can't risk her not being on Instagram. I need to go to Twitter instead.

I rapidly try to swipe the app away but it becomes more and more difficult with the more blood that's added to my phone. I finally reach the home screen before frantically clicking on to Twitter. I open the DM part of Twitter and look through the people I follows who follows me back. Last time I checked Mina was the first one on that list and- There!

I click on it and immediately ask her for help.


I find my self scrolling through Instagram when I see that someone DMed me on Twitter. Just when I was going to fucking check the comment section on the picture I posted this morning. Asshole.


Holy shit Red fucking Riot just DMed me! Wait, why the fuck is he texting me help? Shit I have to act fucking uninterested. Not like that will be hard because I don't really care what he has to say. It's not like he's one of the few people I follow when I don't even follow Round Cheeks and she is the person I tolerate most out of Deku's friends.

What the fuck asshole?! It's three I'm the morning and I don't even know you

Okay maybe I am a little grumpy that Deku kept me up until three in the fucking morning because of his phone call with his boyfriend. But still, it's,

Three. In. The. Fucking. Morning.

I need help

Go cry to your mama about it then

I think I'm going to die

The fuck?! Is this some type of trick? Is he filming some kind of video where he gets the reaction of his followers thinking that he's going to die? That doesn't sound like him. His fucking friend Dunce Face or whatever his name is, yes but him, no. Something actually has to be wrong.

WHAT?! Call 911 then idiot!

I can't

Why? Your texting me so you have a phone right

Because I did this to myself

I take a shaky breath and place my phone on my bed. I snake my hands into my hair trying to find the words to reply with. Did he really do something to himself? If so why wasn't he texting someone he actually knew?

I glance over at my bedroom door. Deku would know what to do and he's just down the hall. It would be pay back for him keeping me up so late but at the same time that damn nerd is going out with his boyfriend tomorrow who he couldn't just wait to talk to. Also asking for help is like admitting I don't know what to do.

I grit my teeth. I do know what to do so I'm going to fucking do this by myself god damnit!

What the fuck did you do?

[ON HOLD BUT NOT DISCONTINUED] Random DM { K I R I B A K U }Where stories live. Discover now