Not Their F*cking Business

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Ha! Y'all picked the angsty one~ There isn't a real angsty chapter yet but y'all are steered towards angst.

What should I do?

Tell the damn extras/
It's none of their fucking business

>It's none of their fucking business<

Fuck them. It's not my secret to tell.

"Fuck off. Are we going to record the video or not because if you guys keep butting into my fucking business I won't be in the video."

Myd- Deku starts to freak out taking my threat seriously and sets up the whole thing with out help. That stupid nerd.


"Hello! Welcome to my YouTube channel Deku! Today I'm not going to be doing my normal talks about what's going on in society-"

"Some fucking bad stuff!" Someone calls from off frame cutting off 'Deku'.

He sighs, "Kachan I'm trying to do an intro."

"Fuck you and fuck your stupid intro." The YouTuber Ground Zero says while coming into frame.

YouTuber Shoto comes into frame next. "Why would you fuck my boyfriend when you have your own? Also you are clearly a bottom."

"A WHAT?! LIKE HELL I'M SOME PUSSY ASS BOTTOM!!!" Bakugou yells at the completely calm Todoroki.

Uravity comes into frame followed by Ingenuim. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the video at this point.

"You didn't deny that you have a boyfriend~" Uraraka sings suggestively.

Bakugou looks just about ready to explode when Iida speaks. "It is none of our business if Bakugou has a boyfriend or not. Although I would like to say that you being a bottom Bakugou is not shameful. If anything it-"

"If you finish that fucking sentence I will kill you." Bakugou growls and Mydoriya quickly steps in.

"O-Okay. Lets get started shall we?"

Do~ Do~ Dooo~ Do~

(Yes I made an intro for Mydoriya's video. And I don't regret it one bit.)

Mydoriya smiles at the camera sitting with his legs crossed in a circle with the group from before his normal introduction. "Today I am joined with the YouTubers Ground Zero, a popular makeup YouTuber, also known as Kachan-"

"My names Bakugou you green haired idiot!"

The greenette just smiles as Todoroki shoots him a glare. "My boyfriend Todoroki, channel name Shoto where he does conspiracy theories. YouTuber Ingenium, also known as Iida who does science DIY's. And lastly but not least!" He pulls the brown haired girl into a hug. "My best friend Uraraka, makeup YouTuber Uravity!"

Bakugou groans. "Are you done with the fucking introductions yet! I want to see how shitty you guys are at makeup, besides Pink Cheeks."

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