Little Bit Broken

257 24 39

Y'all are cruel, just cruel.

Should Bakugou

Keep his promise/
Break it

Break it

Sorry Red. I do not want to get caught and then not be allowed back.

I carefully stand up and smile at the cute view I have. Without thinking I snap a picture for, uh, black mail material. Yeah... that. I brush his red hair out of his face and chuckle. I did not expect him to be one of those people who move in there sleep but he is.

I move to the window and dial the extras. I need a way out and they are my only hope. Ugh, Pinky better not go on her random tangent again about me being a knight of some shit.


I wake up alone. I have not opened my eyes to see if Bakugou is still here since I know that he left. I swallow to try to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling people get when they want to cry. I take a deep breath and open my eyes only to see I'm not alone but instead Kaminari is here with me. I send him a confused smile.

His eyes seem to jump out of his scull they grow so wide. He dashed to my side and wraps me in a hug. I hiss as his arm digs into my side and he pulls away just as quickly. "Sorry! I didn't mean to!" he exclaims in panic.

I weakly wave him off, "Fine."

He relaxes only for a second before a look that I can not decider comes over his face. I shift uncomfortably with the glare he was shooting at my blanket. "You are an asshole," he finally says breaking the silence that stretched over us.

My eyes widened and I shook my head weakly, "What?"

He looks up at me and his glare grows, "I mean that you are a selfish bitch! I had to see you bleeding out in your bathroom! You can not just skip out of life! You are one of my best friends and you tired to leave me! How could you?!"

I stare at him as tears slip down my cheeks. This is like what Bakugou said only he sugar coated everything. "I-I.......s-sorry..!"

He hates you now.

"I can not believe you! Sorry isn't going to just fix everything! You are so- ugh!" he shouts while throwing his hands in the air.

You should just die.

He turns his attention back on me, "I thought we were best friend but I guess I was wrong since you did not even tell me that you were dealing with depressive thoughts. Do you know how painful it is to find out your best friend hid something that big from you?!"

You know you want to. Just pull the oxygen tube away from you mouth and let yourself-

"Shut! .....shut! ...s-shut........up..!" I cry out while griping my hair.

Kaminari falls silent mid rant before rushing to my side. How I am leaning over my body is definitely not good for my cuts and my breathing. The heart rate machine's beeping gets louder and faster. I feel Kaminari trying to pull my hands away from my head while apologizing and saying that he didn't mean what he said. That he just was upset and hurt and should not take that out on me. I squeeze my hands tighter around my ears trying to get the voice to stop.


I feel somethings harp stab my arm and I cry out in pain. Sleep takes over and I fall into the bed. The last thing I see is a sobbing Kaminari on the phone with someone.


"Kiri sweetheart," I hear Mina's gentle voice say while she caresses my cheek.

"He needs his sleep. Leave him alone," Shinsou says and I start to pick up on the faint sound of crying.

I let my eyes flicker open. Mina smiles sadly at me and I try to think about when I fell asleep. Then it comes to me in a flash and my breathing hitches.

I hear the sound of someone running over and I see Kaminari's red face, "I'm sorry! I..I didn't mean it Kirishima! I p-promise!" he shouts at me.

I smile weakly at him, "I'm.... fi-ine."

I see Mina's boyfriend appear next to us and he weakly shakes his head, "No you're not, but we will get there."

I lower my glaze to my hands with a sheepish chuckle. I love my friends. I am truly so lucky to have such good friends. Wait- how are they here? I thought only one person was allowed in at a time.

Mina reads my mind since we are so close, "Oh! They let us all in since Shinsou threatened to kill them."

I hear a 'I didn't really mean it' in the back ground and crack a bigger smile.

With Mina's help I sit up and see that everyone is in the room but Bakugou. Mina notices that he isn't here as well and teases me about it which causes the chain reaction of them all teasing me. Correction from earlier: I hate my friends.

A knock from the door draws our attention and Ms. Ai walks through the door. She smiles sweetly at us and I smile brightly back. "I have some good news!" she exclaims excitedly, "You get to go home tomorrow Kirishima! You are going to have to come in for weekly check ups just to make sure you are healing properly. Also for your safety you are only allowed to be released if you have someone stay with you or you stay with someone. Okay?"

I nod my head excitedly at the thought of finally escaping the toxic smell that reminds me of the basement.

"Good! Any idea of who you want to stay with? I need to know because whoever you stay with will have to check you out," she asks me.

Should Kirishima

Ask to stay with Mina/
Ask to stay with Bakugou

Sorry for the late update!

Also don't be too harsh on Kaminari since he just has his emotions all over the place. And I beg you not to say/think that I don't like him since he is my favorite character and I relate to him the most.

Till Next Time

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