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Next chapter is here! Sorry for taking a 2 weeks to get it out.

Should Bakugou



Like hell I'm going to possibly miss the chance of seeing him wake up.

"I'm coming." I grumble before aggressively standing up but making sure not to move the chair too much. She leads me out of the room and once I'm outside I see Pinky standing there waiting on me.

"Oh Bakugou! I was wondering if you wanted me to drive you home?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Nah. I don't want to be seen in you're fucking hot pink Jeep."

She faked a gasp. "How dare you offend Alien Queen!?" She let out a little bit of laughter before nodding. "See you tomorrow. And get home safely."

I scoffed as she walked away but not before waving. I waited until I saw that disgusting car drive away before I went back inside the hospital. I walk to the desk lady and slam my hands down.

"Where's the fucking bathroom?" I growled.

She scolded me for cursing before giving me directions to the one behind the doors. I smirked as I walked away.

I slipped into his room and took note that all the lights were out meaning the nurses wouldn't brother me for the rest of the night. Perfect.

I sat down in the chair and looked over at the red head. He was taking in deep breaths but only because of a small breathing tube thing that was placed under his nose.

"You're an idiot." I mumble to him. "You really are."

More silence stretches over us and I grab his hand. His hands are surprisingly soft and unlike my rough hands. I brush my thumb over the back of his hand and frown.

I find myself wanting to speak again. "Don't think I'm holding your hand because I like you or anything. I'm just doing it 'cause that's what you do. So you know that I'm fucking here. Got it?"

At least... that's what he should think.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if he grabbed my hand in public. If he randomly hugged me. If he kissed me, I would kiss right back. It's because the stupid jerk made me start to have feelings other then anger. I like him, okay?! But I can't ever tell him that because he needs to focus on loving himself first before he can even think about being in a relationship.

I groan as the silence gets to me. I'm not one to dislike quiet, I actually prefer it. But with him, he's one to talk and never shut up. So it's weird.

"Oi, why did you do it? You could have fucking texted me or any of the other idiots you call your friends. What thought made you break down? Or was it more then one? Explain to me how you could do this to yourself!" My voice rises at the end and I lean my head against our intertwined hands. When did I switch from just holding his hand to intertwining our fingers? It doesn't even fucking matter.

Some how I find myself calming down. I sit back up and lean against the back of my chair and close my eyes while still holding his hand. I don't even remember when I fall asleep.



What is that noise? Am I dead? Will I spend the rest of my time in the dark listening to it?

It takes a second for me to feel my body but once I do I feel a slightly sweaty hand holding mine. That wouldn't make sense if I was dead...

With what little strength I have I open my eyes. Darkness meets me and anxiety burns in my chest. The smell of bleach meets my noise and makes me want to throw up.

Am I... back there? I thought I escaped, how did he find me?

The beeping increases its spread as I try to breathe. I don't want to be back in the basement. Where my dad beat me and starved me. I don't want to clean it daily and wipe away the blood so I can smell is this nauseating sent.

I pull up my legs and attempt to hug my them before I feel a slight tug at my hand when I try to pull up my arm. I see that my hand is being held by Bakugou. He's asleep in the chair but doesn't seem to be passed out do to being beaten until he was. He looks too calm to be someone in the basement.

Maybe I should wake him up. Maybe he'll be able to help us escape. But then again there is no way we will. And he will need all the rest he can get before my father hurts up. Oh god. Please just say he'll only hurt me and not him.

Should Kirishima

Wake Bakugou up/
Let him rest

Kirishima is awake!

Also in the future I will refer to 1K special as his dream when he was passed out. It won't be that important but it still might be nice to get a few jokes that I'll have Mina make.

If any of you actually care, I'm not doing so well. I know a lot of people make A/N's saying this and it's probably getting tiring to hear but it's the truth. My depression is getting worse along with my anxiety and then school on top is super stressful seeing that I'm in all advanced classes (not that it wouldn't be stressful for someone who isn't). Anyways I wrote this long think kinda hoping you guys could like comment happy stuff? I don't know like tell me what you enjoy so far about the book, good things going on in your life, how you are feeling. This may sound weird to ask but I'm an extreme empath to the point that I freak out worrying whether an emotion is mine or someone else's. But in this case I need different emotions to kind of feed off of (that makes me sound the a tv show bad guy but like is a good-cool way) to help me get better faster. So if you guys could do that I would extremely appreciate it. And if you skip this over and act like you didn't read it thank you for reading my book in the first place.

Till Next Time

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