Let Him Rest

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On to the next chapter! (I totally forgot I was suppose to update today so it's a good thing I set a reminder on my phone lol)

Should Kirishima

Wake Bakugou up/
Let him rest

>Let him rest<

I can't wake him up. The people want the ang- I mean, he is going to need to rest if he's going to be prepared for what's to come.

I lay down as a tear slips down my cheek. How did dad bring me back? I was safe and finally free from them. But I had to be stupid and start a YouTube channel and become a model. I could have been anything but I decided to do that. God, I probably deserve this. I'm just an unmanly faggot who can't even kill himself properly.

My breathing becomes unsteady and I start to feel lightheaded. My eyes start to close even though I try to keep them open. The last thing I see before falling unconscious is someone walking into the room and rushing to Bakugou.

Don't hurt... hurt....
....him... hurt...


My eyes flutter open and I see Mina sitting on a chair by my bed, playing with my hand.


Her eyes dart up from where they were looking at my hand and widen. "Kiri, hey."

I take a deep breath only to breathing in the chemical smell. The panic I feel must have shown on my face because she quickly shakes her head, "No. You aren't there. We are in a hospital. Do you... do you remember what happened?" She asked with her voice become more gentle towards the end.

"...Y..Ye.." I groan as my eyes shut in irritation. Why can't I speak like a normal person?!

"Hey, are you hurt? What's wrong?" Mina asks while rubbing my arm in concern. I reopen my eyes and look at her with a frown.

".....V....Voy.......Voiy...uh...ugh.." I attempt but only end up sounding like a two year old.

She smiles weakly and continues to rub an un-bandaged hand. "Your voice? Is that what you meant?" I nod my head and she sighs. "When you tired to... to...." A tear slips down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away. "When you tired to kill yourself you stoped breathing for a minute and 37 seconds. It affected your brain, more specifically, the part of your brain that deals with your speech. I don't know much about it but they said that it would be harder for you to speak when you woke up."

I nodded my head and looked down at my lap. We sat in silence for a bit before I heard a broken sob. I quickly lifted up my head to see Mina covering her mouth with buckets of tears flowing down her cheeks. I stare in horror as hiccups and sobs leave her lips. "I-I'm sorry! It's j..just that," more sobs left her lips and I couldn't help a tear that fell down mine, "i-it's my fault! I-If I didn't be a h..huge jerk to you, y-you wouldn't be h..here and-"

I cut her off by putting a hand over her mouth. More tears spill from both of our eyes and I shake my head.

It's "...n..no..." you're fault. I did it because I "......w..wan..na...." to. I "...p..rom...s.." Didn't you get my ".....te..ts...?"

More tears trailed down her cheeks and she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her for awhile before my side started to hurt and I tapped her shoulder twice. She let go and looked down at it with a sigh.

"I'll get a nurse. I'll be right back." She sent me a smile before standing up and walking out of the room.


Mina lowers the paper she had in her hands with widened eyes. The nurse who re-wrapped my bandages also brought me some paper and a pencil so I could communicate to Mina.

I had a lot of questions like:

What happened to Bakugou? "They caught him in here when he wasn't suppose to be so he's isn't allowed to come in till two days have passed."

Where is our other friends? "Only one person is allowed to visit you per day right now. We set up a schedule and I got to go first. Kaminari is coming tomorrow so be prepared for the water works."

When will I be able to speak- I'm getting off topic.

Anyways, Mina just read what I dreamed about when I passed out. Let's go back to that.

"Oh my god! You and Bakugou kissed in your dream?!" She screeched and a bright red blush covered my cheeks. I love the color... just not when it's on my face.

I smacked her with a pencil out of embarrassment. "...d...do... .....no... t..tel..." I scolded.

She groaned. "But my ship!"

I shot her a glare.

She shook her head giggling. "Fine I won't. But be prepared for teasing."

It was my turn to groan. Of course she is going to tease me about having a dream where I was making out with Bakugou. She wouldn't be Mina if she didn't.

We chatted for a bit before a nurse with a bun on her head told her that it was time to go. I gave her a big hug and she promised to be back soon. I watched as she started to the door and couldn't help but cry out for her to stop.


She turned around mostly and looked at me with a caring smile. "Yes kiri?"

I knew what I wanted to ask. As much as I love Kaminari I didn't really want him to come tomorrow. I wanted Mina. .....or Bakugou. But Bakugou isn't allowed in and if I asked to see him they would have to sneak him in. But if I asked for Mina Kami might get upset, along with the others, that she got to go two times in a row.

"What is it Kirishima? Are you in pain?" She asked. I shook my head no.

I need to pick one and tell her because I don't know if I'll be able to handle Kaminari's waterworks and then uncontainable energy.

Should Kirishima

Ask for Mina/
Ask for Bakugou/
Let Kaminari come


I love this book.

That's it, that's my author note.

OH! And Kiri do be breaking the forth wall a lot this chapter. Sorry.

AND you guys get three choices. Lucky!

I guess I did have an author note.

Till Next Time

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