End the Live

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Y'all are killing me! KILLING ME! I want angst and you guys said 'NOPE!' But you guys get to pick so here->


What should I do?

End the live/
Lie and say I dont know what he's means

>End the live<

Screw it! If I don't end the live now he'll surely expose me.

"That's it for today! Remember: Be Manly and Kind!" I press the end button and let out a breath.


I look over at my phone and frown.

New message from GroundZero
Yeah, it is real 'manly' to fucking run away from your problems.

He doesn't know anything about me! I am manly. And that wasn't running away. Angrily I open Twitter and type up my reply.

Like you would have done different.

I wouldn't have cut in the first place.

I wince. Was this guy for real? And here I thought that there was a soft side to him and actually had the audacity to develop a small crush on him.

Red.Riot is typing•••

Shit, that came out wrong.

You think?

I said sorry.

Actually, you didn't.

I'm sorry. Happy?



I'm depressed

Did you really just make a joke right now?



Did you just use an abbreviation?!

Fuck off.

I giggle as the mood of our conversation totally changes. I continue to text him about everything and nothing until it's past two o'clock in the morning. Only then does he realize the time and say that he has to bail because he has to record in the morning. All in all I fall asleep happy.


"Get up Kachan! It's time for the video!"

I groan and lazily throw a pillow at him. The squeak hear that follows makes an evil smirk come to my lips.

"Bakugou, why did you throw a pillow at my boyfriend? That's not very nice." My frown comes back and I finally sit up so I can see that stupid monotone man.

With a glare I stand up. "Why the fuck are you here already? I thought you were suppose to come at eleven."

"It's eleven-forty five." I stop from where I was grabbing clothes for today.


Mydoriya face grows concerned and he nods his head. "You slept though your alarm which doesn't make much sense since you have never done that before."

"That's because that idiot kept me up till two." I grumbled as I started to strip down to my boxers. It's not like they didn't see me change in PE in high school. If they didn't want to see me change they are going to have to get out of my room.

"Oh, so you finally have a boyfriend." IcyHot©️ says so monotone I almost didn't catch it.

"Like hell I do!" I shout, finally putting on my shirt.

He isn't fazed by my aggressive behavior which only makes me angrier. "It is about time."

I toss a book that I had placed on my bedside table and threw it at him. He swiftly dodged and left the room with a terrified nerd in tow. I grumble under my breath as I put it back up. Unlike what most people would expect I keep my room super tidy. After putting it up I walk out of the room to see Mochi sitting on the couch next to her boyfriend Glasses with wide eyes. Honestly, she could do better. (No hate on Iida I just want a snarky Bakugou)

"Oh Bakugou! Todoroki was just telling us that you have a new boyfriend. Tell us about him!" She says too excited.

I shoot him a glare. "I don't."

Number One Nerd frowns and fixes his glasses. "Then who were you talking to till two in the morning. Speaking of which, that's not very-"

I wave him off. "Yeah, yeah. I didn't mean to stay up that late and it was just a... uh..." Shit. I don't even know if we are friends!

"A boyfriend?" Daddy Issues asks with a neutral face. Like, show emotion you burn piece of shi-

"But Kachan just said that he wasn't." Deku looks like he's going to explode. A funny sight if I didn't see it too often.

I fall on to the couch. "He's not my boyfriend. The fucker just texted me randomly when he almost di- Fuck. I mean-"

"When he almost what?" Round Cheeks asks innocently. Shit, I really almost spilled out his biggest secret.

"Nothing." I say sitting up a bit straighter.

"It's clearly something. What is it?" I truly hate you and would kill you if you weren't Deku's fucking 'soul mate'.

I stand up and move over to the equipment in the living room. "Aren't we suppose to record a video or some shit?"

"Stop avoiding the question Bakugou."

"I'm not!"

Glasses crosses his arms. "Then what did he almost do?"

I look at him then the rest of the group for a second. Should I tell them? I know they are only trying to help but what would they do? What could they do? If I tell them they might be able to help. But Red might be mad if I do. If he gets mad he could not come to me next time he cuts. So I should keep it to myself. But will I be able to?

"Kachan please, what's wrong? I'm getting concerned..."

If I don't pick one they'll annoy me to death.

What should I do?

Tell the damn extras/
It's none of  there fucking business


AAHHHH! For you this is like the
Kinda short but whateves. Pick a choice! It's all up to you guys!!!

Also when you pick tell me your thought process because y'all keep surprising me with your choices.

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