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Did y'all get the Mina POV? You'll never know.... well, unless you read.

Should Bakugou
Ask about his parents/
Just wait for him to wake up

>Ask about his parents<

His parents roll over my mind over and over again that I don't even remember making the choice to blurt out,

"What happened with his parents?"

At first I'm met with a shocked silence and that annoys me. And then the silence becomes more bearable as everyone seems like they don't know the answer. Everyone but Pinky.


Everyone looks over at me and memories of high school fill my head. It really was a bad time for him.

I look around the cafeteria for the thousandth time to once again be met with the fact that Kiri ditched me. I stand up with anger and sadness mixing my feelings together and that's never a good combination for me.

I head outside of the room only to start walking down the hallways aimlessly. The further I walk the less angry I feel and more... nervous. I don't know why but something in my gut says something isn't right. Somethings wrong with Kiri.

I find my self passing the boys bathrooms before I stop in my tracks. I turn back around only to walk up to the door. I move to open it only to grimace at the thought of opening it and seeing a guy peeing. So instead I knock.


No answer.

I take a breath before opening the door and being met with a horrifying sight.

Kirishima sits on the floor, back propped up to the wall, with an empty pill bottle in his hands and a few pills scattering the floor. He looks up at me but doesn't see me. His eyes are dilated and it's clear he's in a different mindset.

"KIRISHIMA!" I shout before rushing to him. He blinks as he tries to figure out what I said.

I yank the pill bottle from his hands and read the label. It's pain pills, more specifically, pain pills that make you fall asleep.

Tears poor down my cheeks as I look over at him. "WHY? WHY?!" I beg for the answer.

"I'm tired."

More tears slip down my cheeks and I grab his shoulders. "N-No! Stay a..awake!"

He weakly shakes his head. "No. I'm tired of the comments."

"What comments?!" I ask as I pull out my phone.

"My parents don't love me. They make sure I know that. They tell me everyday. I'm just tired." He lets a couple tears fall before he leans on my shoulder. I call dial the emergency phone number.

"Hello 911, how may I help you?" A female voice asks after I bring it up to my ear.


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