Hear Me Out

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Apology pic^ Also: THANK YOU FOR OVER 5oo READS!!!

"Talk to him" "Communication is key" Sometimes people need space before they can talk.

I almost feel bad for you guys... ALMOST! Ha! Y'all are about to be in for some ANGST!!! Ahh this is why I shouldn't be allowed to write. Welp, it's y'all's fault for reading my works. Lets get started!

Should Mina

Hear him out/
Wait till he leaves

>Hear him out<

I need Mina to hear me out that's why I'm not going to leave until she lets me in. I'll break in if I have to.

"Mina please! I'm not going to leave til-!" After banging for a second the door swings open to show an enraged Mina. I gulp.

"What?!" She shouts at me causing me to wince. I hate yelling seeing that I had to deal with it my whole child hood.

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry Mina. What I did was really unmanly, I shouldn't have balled. But I promise that I have a really good reason for doing what I did."

She scoffs. "What happened to 'I felt sick'?" She asked coldly while using her hands to put air quotes around some of the words.

"Mina please. If I could tell you I would but I can't. You have to trust me." I plead.

"You act like this is some small thing and your really planing my birthday surprise. Fun fact: My birthdays not till Jully. But I'm sure you knew that since you are such a good best friend." The last line she sad it sharp and sarcastic. I shivered. Her attitude is a lot worse then I thought it would be.

I was basically begging her on my knees to forgive me at this point. "Mina! I am sorry! I'll say it again and again until you forgive me and then some. What I did wasn't manly-"

"Manly. You act like that's the only thing that matters about all of this, not that you hurt my feelings." I open my mouth to protest but she continues talking. "I get manly is a big deal to you but give it a rest! The only reason you even care about being manly is because your father and mother said you aren't. And guess what, they are right. You, Ejirou Kirishima, are the furthest thing from manly!"

For a second it is silent as we stare at each other. She pants, a little worn out from her rant and that's when a loud sob passes my lips. I try to cover up my mouth with my hand as she looks at me in shock that she really said what she did. Her figure becomes blurry as she try's to apologize.

"Oh my god Kiri! I didn't mean it I'm-" I cut her off.

"S-Stop, okay? Just stop. I..I just want to b-be alone." I get out with multiple voice cracks. She looks at me in sorrow but respects my wishes as I turn around and leave.


I arrive back at my apartment a wreak. Tears are steaming down my face like a steady river along with snot but I could care less right now. In the heat of the moment my best friend revealed how she truly felt about me. She hates me.




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