1 ~ I didnt mean to

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~☆ Kaito's pov ☆~

There he is. The annoying little gremlin. He follows Amami around like a little puppy. He's happy and quiet. That pisses me off the most. I just wanna punch him so hard he lands in the hospital, but I cant.

He pisses me, but I cant help finding him adorable. He's small with cute wild purple hair. Along with matching purple eyes, his pale skin is so cute. I fell in love with him.

Seeing him smile at Amami pisses me off. I wish he would look at me like that. Happy. When I walk in the room to hear him call my name and smile at me. Instead whenever I enter he avoids looking at me. He's probably scared that I'm gonna hit him or threaten him.

I dont bully him as much. I shouldn't, but I cant help it. I've been doing this so long that it's hard to stop. I threaten him. I hate myself for bullying him. Amami stands up for him witch sucks. Its obvious Kokichi probably likes him.

I glance back to him smiling at Amami and talking to him. 'That should be me' is all I can think of. I dont know if I'll regret this, but whatever. I need to know.

~☆ Kokichi's pov ☆~

Rantaro is showing me these pictures of a stray cat he saw. It's small with a black spot on his eye, but other than that it's all white. The cats looks annoyed that Rantaro took pictures of it. I cant help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" A voice says from next to me. I freeze. Kaito. What does he need from me? Did he think i was looking at him? Does he need to money? I'm to sacred to look at him.

"I-its j-just a... c-cat." I stutter worse than usual. Rantaro reaches and grabs my hand. He only does that when I'm shivering badly.

"Kaito, please leave us alone." Rantaro says coldly. I wish I was as strong and brave as him. I glance at him he's glaring over at Kaito.

"I didnt come to see you. I came to talk to Ouma." I feel his eyes go to me. I shiver, but nod. 'Stupid! Why did I nod?!'

"All right. Come with me." Kaito starts to walk away. I look at Rantaro with pleading eyes.

"Cant you guys just talk here?" Rantaro says gripping my hand. I glance at him and he smiles to me. I blush and look back down.

"Its important and private." Kaito sounds almost...embarrassed. I decide to look at him. His hair is still spiky pink with a matching goatee. He's rubbing the back of his neck blushing. All right its decided.

I stand up and nod. He smirks and walks away flipping Rantaro off. He takes me to the roof. What if he pushes me off? What if he takes me to the corner and beats me up? What if h- my thought were cut off by me bumping into him.

"Gah! S-sorry I w-wasnt p-paying a-a-attention!" I block my face with my hands, but he just Pat's my head. He's... embarrassed?

"I need to know something. What do you think of me? He looks at me. I cant tell what he's thinking. 'I should be careful what I say. Maybe he'll beat me up if i say the wrong thing, but I cant lie. I hate liars and I dont want to be one.'

"Y-you scare m-me. E-everytime you come i-in I'm s-s-scared you'll h-hurt me or threaten m-me. I-I honestly w-wish you'd be n-nicer." I cover my head waiting for the punch. After, a minute of nothing I take my arms down.

Kaito's standing looking away... pissed. "I-im sorry!" I shout and run off. I'm getting my ass kicked for sure later...

~☆ Kaito's pov ☆~ (I switch pov slot •w•)

He's scared of me... he thinks I'm gonna beat him up. He probably thought i was gonna beat him up. I need to see him. I need to explain. I dont want him to be scared of me.

Without thinking I run after him. 'He might think I'm running to beat him up... I'll just have to explain, but what am I supposed to say?"

Kokichi is a little ahead of me. I catch up to him easily. "P-please dont h-hurt... me!" Hes shaking. All I can do his pull him into a hug. Amami comes running out from the classroom. 'Shit! I didnt realize how close we were and I dont need this idiot!'

"Let go of him!" Amami shouts at me and rips me away from him. He pulls kokichi into a hug and wishpers stuff to him. I snarl and do something I definitely will regret. I punch Amami in the face.

(OwO is this a cliffhanger?!)

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now