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Kaito's pov

As I walk through my front door I get greated with a smell of fresh baked cookies. "Kaito! I made some cookies!" My grandmother calls to me from the kitchen. 'Maybe I could ask to bring some to Kokichi. Or I'll just say my friends' I head to the kitchen and see the chocolate chip cookies sitting there.

"Wow grandma they look amazing!" I smile and take a bite from one. "These are so good!" She smiles and Pat's my head. "Hey, grandma I have a question."


"Is it all right if I take some of these cookies to my friend?"

"Of course! We still have another batch baking in the oven so we will have plenty for ourselves."

I smile and grab a container from the cabinet and pack some of the cookies up. I walk off to my bedroom to finish figuring out ways for Kokichi to trust me.

~ The next day (still Kaitos pov) ~

I clutch the container in my hand and walk to school. When I get there I just roll my eyes. 'Of course he's here early. At least he's just going inside.' Amami looks down at his phone and heads inside the school.

I decide to wait at the entrance for Kokichi since he comes later. I pull out my phone and check Instagram. Nothing important, just people talking about Danganronpa. God, I dont understand why people like that's game so much.

I glance up seeing that Kokichi is almost at school. "Kokichi! Wait!" He freezes and hesitates before coming over. He clutches the strap of his bag. "W-what is i-it K-kaito?"

His stuttering is so cute. "Uh well my grandma made cookies last night and I was wondering if you would like some?" I show him the box and he looks confused. He points to hinself.


"Ya I called you over here. Who else would I wanna give these too?"

He looks down embarrassed, "T-thank you K-kaito." He takes the box and opens them. He glances up at me asking for permission. I nod and he trys one.

"W-wow these a-are p-pretty good!"

"I know! My grandma makes the best cookies!"

He smiles and offers me one but j shake my head. "We have a ton at home I dont need anymore."

"W-well we s-should head to c-class" I nod and we start walking to class together.

I never realized how short Kokichi actually is or that he kinda bounces when he walks. He's still clutching on to his bag strap, but now he's smiling. 'I guess he really liked the cookies. Maybe I should invite him to lunch.'

"Hey Kokichi?"


"Would you maybe wanna have lunch with me on the roof?" I scratch my neck and feel my face get red.

"I w-would like t-that!"

"Cool." I smile and he smiles and continues walking. We talk for a bit, but when we get to class Amami calls him over and he runs over like a puppy. Ugh Amami is starting to get on my nerves. I hope really wanna punch him and tell him to back off.

Instead, I just head to my seat. I sit down and look over at Kokichi. He notices and waves to me. Amami looks over and glares. Kokichi offers Amami some cookies witch he takes. He smiles, but then his face goes cold. 'Guess he might of told Amami I gave them to him'

Amami turns and glares. He looks like he's about to come over, but the teacher comes in. "All right everyone!" This is gonna be a long day.

~615 words~

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now