7 ~ Movie (sometimes i forget to name the chapter lol)

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Kaito's pov

Me and Kokichi interlocked hands. Kokichi's face is bright red, but he walks with me to get our tickets. Avocado and Dr freak are grilling a hole in the back of my head, but I dont care. I get some popcorn and a soda, Kokichi agreed to share some popcorn with me and he got a soda, Avocado got a soda and candy, and Dr freak got candy and... took photos of Kokcihi??!!

"Geez, could you not take pictures of Kokichi without him knowing??"

He looks over and glares at me. "Its not like he's *your* boyfriend."

"Not yet!" I smirk. Kokichi goes red and squeezes my hand.

"L-lets go f-find a-a place t-to sit." He drags me to the theater room with the others following. We sit Me, Kokichi, Dr freak, and Avocado. We're watching Onward (I literally cant think of a movie lol).

I wrap my arm around Kokichi and pull him close. He rests his head on my chest. "Are you guys secretly dating or something?" Dr freak whispers to me.

"Not yet, I plan on taking him to a nice restaurant and asking there." Dr freak snarled and looked back at the movie. I pull Kokichi closer.

~ Time skippppp ~

We walk out of the movie theater and head our separate ways. "Later Dr freak and Avocado. Bye Kokichi, text me when you get home."

"A-allright, bye K-kaito!" Kokichi starts walking one way and I go the other.

Kokichi's pov

I start heading hope. 'I hope Kaito wasnt joking about asking me out. I dotn care if he takes me to dinner. Just him asking me out would be amazing! Or just going to his house!'

"Kokichi?" A voice says behind me.

"Hmm-" WHACK! I collapse to the ground, my head pounding, and a blurry image of.... Shuichi?!?!

Kaito's pov

It's been 2 hours. Kokichi still hasn't texted or called me. Maybe he is just busy and forgot. I'll see him tomorrow so I guess I dont have to worry. I change and get to bed.

~ 347 words ~

That's so short sorry, I'm tired. I'll try and make a story tomorrow I just can barely keep my eyes open. Hopefully, there isnt many bad grammar and spelling errors I just want to sleep. Thanks for reading this anyway!

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