8 ~ MIA

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Ok before I start fskdjebvksoaf risksgeiek this story is #1 for oumota!

It might not last long and it's out of 130 stories, but seriously I'm happy so dont ruin it pls ;-;. Gah! Thank you for actually reading this! Ok back to the story!

Kaito's pov

It's been a couple days. Maybe he's just sick. Dr freak hasn't been coming either or I just never see him. I never pay any attention to him. "Yo. Avocado?"

Avocado turns and glares at me, "What is it Momota?"

"Geez, I was just wondering if Kokichi has answered any of your texts. Since, he's been ghosting me."

"Ha normally I wouldnt be surprised, but he also hasn't responded or even read my texts."

"Hmm werid. Do you know where he lives?"

"And why would I tell you?"

"I just wanna check on him."

"Well if your going I'm going. I refuse to have you go to Kichi's house *alone*."

"Fine, whatever." I sigh and head back to my seat to text Kokichi again.

Sunday 6:46 pm
Cute bully
Hey did you get lost on the way home? Lol.

Monday 6:13 am
Cute bully
Seriously, where are you home? Text me back, better yet call me.

Monday 12:45 pm
Cute bully
I'm worried about you text me or at least read them.

Tuesday 7:03 am
Cute bully
Kokichi, this isn't funny. Text me NOW!

Tuesday 1:01 pm
Cute bully
Kokichi, pls text me damnit. Your scaring me...

I hope he's okay. I miss him a lot. He could be okay, maybe his phone died and he lost or broke his charger. Or lost his phone, but what if... he's not okay? No! I shouldn't think negative! He's okay, I'll see him when I go to his house after school with Avocado.

"All right! Let's pick up where we left of yesterday!" The teacher starts talking. I can barely hear her. All I can think about is if Kokichi's okay...

Kokichis pov

⚠️ TW BLOOD ⚠️

My arm is covered in blood. 'He really wrote his name on my arm.' I don't even know how long I've been here. Maybe a day. I hope Rantaro and Kaito are looking for me. Or at least know something's up. I cant move the psycho broke my leg. Even if I could walk I'm to weak from blood loss.

I wish Kaito was here. He's strong he'd beat up Shuichi and get me out of here. I wish he'd come and save me. I wish he was here with me. I wish he would protect me. I wish I could just call him and tell him where I am. Well I don't even know where I am... I think I'm still in town. My best bet is that I'm in an abandoned house. Well, maybe not Shuichi isnt that smart... is he?

The door creaks open, "Morning my beloved, I brought a first aid to clean that up." He points at my blood and drools. "The despair in your face is so beautiful Kokichi." I glare and try to get away.

He stomps towards me. Shuichi grabs my hair and jerks me up toward him. "Sweetie you shouldn't talk to me like that. I gave you a nice new home after all!" He kisses my forehead and opens the first aid. "Arm please."

I give him my arm. I'm terrified that he'll hurt me if I dont. "Good boy." He puts some hydrogen peroxide on it and bandages it up.
Afterwards, he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Dont worry Kokichi. I'll protect you forever."

~ End of TW ~
Kaito's pov

Me and Avocado meet at the school gate and start walking toward his house.

"You sure you know where your going?" I ask.

"Of course I do! I go to Kichi's house all the time!"

"All right... hey I got a question?"

"What is it?"

"Do you know if Kokichi likes anyone?"

"Ya, but he'd kill me if I told you."

"Oh cmon we dont have to tell him!"

"Nope not gonna risk it."

"Fine." We walk in silence the whole way there. When we get to his house I get even more worried. His house is old and the lawn is kinda overgrown. The fence on the porch is broken and some pieces are on the lawn.

We head to the door and knock. Silence. No one answers. No one running around inside. "Does he live alone?"

Avocado nods and tries to call Kokichi. "He's not answering." Where the hell could Kokichi be??
My phone vibrates. Its from...  kokichi? But, it's not good.... he's laying down chained his leg and arm look terrible. Kokichi is crying. Who the hell would do this to him?!?

~797 words ~

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now