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Kaito's pov

I'm scrolling through insta. The Danganronpa Freak posted a picture of him and Kokichi. Maybe I should ask Kokichi to take a selfie too? Argh! Why does it seem like every guy at this school likes Kokichi!?! Let's see, obviously I like him. Rantaro is either really protective of him or likes him and wants him to be his. Danganronpa freak is confusing me. Maybe he likes him?

"Kaito?" Kokichi is at the hallway entrance rubbing his eyes. "S-sorry I f-fell asleep." He yawns and walks to sit next to me. His hair is a wild mess.

"Its fine. Its partly my fault for showing you that movie." I ruffle his hair and he lays his head in my shoulder.

"W-what time i-is it?" He says like he's about to fall asleep.

"Its about 10." He jumps up and his eyes go wide.

"I-I need t-to g-get h-home!"

"Hey it's late. Just stay the night!" He's shaking, but nods and calls his mom.

"H-hey m-mom I'm staying a-at my f-friends night." He nods and hangs up. "S-so where d-do I sleep?"

"My beds big enough for two, just sleep with me." He blushes and nods. He's so cute! We head to my bedroom.

His phone vibrates. Kokichi types and wow he types fast. His phone vibrates again and he smiles. "H-hey kaito? I-I was wondering I-if y-you and R-rantaro want to go t-to the m-movies with m-me a-and Shuich?"

Why does it have to be Danganronpa freaks? "Ya, when will we go?" He texts Danganronpa freak and waits. "Tomorrow a-at noon." I nod and he types some more.

Once he's done he goes to his bag and gets a charger. He puts his phone on the charger. While I, set up the bed and go get extra blankets from the closet. "Do you want to see by the wall or by the edge of the bed?"

"I-i d-dont care."

"Ok, you can sleep by the wall." Kokichi crawls into bed and I follow. "Goodnight."

"N-night Kaito." I blush as it all hits me. I'm sleeping in the same bed as Kokichi! He's facing the wall. His brethren gets deeper. Guess he was tired.

With that I fall asleep, too.

~ The next day ~

I wake up before Kokichi. Some how he snuggled close to me and I hugged him. I dont want to wake him so I just lay there trying to find a way to sneak out without waking him.

"K-kaito y-you can l-let m-me go..." I let him go. Kokichi's face is bright crimson color. "S-sorry Kokichi I just woke!"

We get up and head to the kitchen. "Sit down, I'll make us breakfast." He obeys and sits down on his phone. I smile at him. Geez, I wish this could be my everyday life. I look away and make eggs and bacon imagining this as my life.

"Kokichi, foods done!" He sets his phone down and reaches for the plate. I sit next to him and we eat. He smiles brightly. "W-wow this i-is really g-good!"

"Ya, my grandma taught me how to cook some simple stuff for when I'm older." I smile at the memory. Kokichi giggles. "N-nothing just t-that your a-adorable." We both blush.

"S-sorry i-i didnt m-mean it!!!" I smirk and ruffle his hair.

"Ya I figured." Theres an awkward silence. "Anyway, do you wanna take a shower before we go?"

Kokichi nods and gets up. "Uh i-i dont h-have any c-clothes."

"You can just barrow some of mine. I have smaller's hoodies and pants. I think they'll fit." With that Kokichi walks to the bathroom to take a shower and I looked for some clothes.

After, his shower I hand him his clothes trying to not look at him change. I might if caught some glances. He leaves my room and I change. I throw on a t shirt, a jacket, and some jeans. I walk out and Kokichi is in a galaxy hoodie and crimson jeans. "Sorry those are the only clothes I have that will fit you."

He smiles up at me. "I-its fine!" I just want to kiss him. We head out the door to meet Avocado and Danganronpa Freak. Me and Kokichi just have small talk the whole way there.

"Kokichi!!" Someone calls. We both turn and see Dr Freak running towards us smiling. "H-hey Shuichi!" Dr freak grabs Kokichi's hand and kisses his cheeck. What. The. FUCK! "How is my beloved doing today?" Beloved?!?

"Shuichi i-i said t-to stop c-calling me t-that!" Kokichi looks annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. "Beloved?" I manage to choke out holding back the urge to punch Dr freak.

"Ya, my beloved Kokichi. What are you jealous?"

"Jealous, why would I be jealous!?!"

"So you dont mind if I kiss him?" Rage. I just wanna kick his ass. Why does Kokichi attract the creepy ones. I snatch Kokichi away and hug him close.

"Of course I dont care if you do it, but obviously Kokichi is uncomfortable."

"Mhm. Your the one who has been giving me a death glare since I kissed his cheeck!"

"Hey, uh what's happening?"

Avocado points at us. He glares as he sees me hugging Kokichi. "H-hey Rantaro!" Kokichi says awkwardly.

"Hey avocado!"

"Dont call me that." He snaps at me. I roll my eyes not the first time he's done that.

"Well we should get going the movies about to start." Dr freak heads inside along with Avocado. I grab Kokichis hand. "Cmon let's go"

~970 words~

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now