9 ~ Found

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Feidkfhsi its 12 am and I have nothing better to do :/ not like I have summer school tomorrow online lol. Imma be so tired tomorrow.

Kaito's pov

I just stare at the photo. I need to find Kokichi and save him. "What the hell are you staring at-" Avocado starts to speak, but stops when he looks down at my phone. He gags and looks away. "W-who the hell did that to Kichi?!?" He screams at me like I would know.

"I... dont know."

"Well, obviously someone from our school?"

"How would you know this could be some random guy on the street?!?"

"Really? If it was the photo would of probably been sent to all of his contacts, but I didnt get one. It must be someone trying to make you mad or throw you off."

"Geez for a play boy you are pretty smart."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Avocado sighs and looks down. "Who would want to hurt Kichi...? He barely talks or does anything. No one should have a grudge on him... unless..."

"Unless what Avocado! Finish the sentence!"

"Well, my sisters like to watch true crime shows. And just like some murders... maybe someone did this out of love. Like they want him all to himself. It's not likely, but if were gonna find Kichi we'll have to keep that in mind."

Shuichi's pov

Send. I hope Kaito likes the photo if My beloved. I set my phone in my pocket and turn to Kokichi. He's sleeping peacefully. "Awww, your so cute... too cute." I cant have another man fall for him he's mine. I rescued him from Kaito and Rantaro. He should be happy. Well soon he'll forget about them and I'll be the only person he thinks of! Well, I should go make food for when he wakes up. With that, i turn and head over to the door. "Night Kokichi!"

Kaito's pov

I need to find Kokichi soon. Well, the only persom I can think crazy enough to do this is would be Dr freak, but he's not that crazy is he. I turn from the desk. We're at Avocado's house. The only reason he invited me over was to look for Kokichi. I wouldnt of said yes if it was for Kokichi. "Yo, Avocado?"


"Have you seen Dr freak at school recently?"

"You mean Shuichi? No I haven't, why?"

"Maybe because he's crazy and seems obsessed with Kokichi!?"

"Shuichi seems... nice. Though he does seem protective of him."

"Exactly! I bet Dr freak did it!"

"You dont have any more proff."

"I dont need more proff! The guy is obsessed with him! He wouldnt stop touching him at the movies and he was taking pictures of Kokichi without him knowing?!"

"Hmmm, but I remember when I got there you were hugging him close to you."

"Seriously? What you think I did this?"

"Maybe. I mean you did get a message and not anyone else."

"I wouldn't kidnap Kokici and hurt him! I like him and wouldnt even think about hurting him!"

"Sureeee where did you put Kichi?" He stands up and walks over to me glaring.

"I didnt do anything! God, stop suspecting me and help me find Kokichi!"

"I know you did it. You bullied the guy for months and then suddenly you wanna be all buddy buddy! I bet this was your plan! To get close to Kokcihi and then stab him in the back literally!"

"Fuck you! I didnt do shit to Kokichi and I'll prove it. I'm gonna find where Dr freak lives and show you that I didn't do it!" I storm up and grab my stuff. Fucking Avocado. I didnt do it and I know it.

I storm out his house and over to the school.

~ Time skip *all he did was walk to the school* ~

Is it a bad that I breaking into the school to find where someone lives? Yes. But it's for a good cause. I need to prove that he's at Dr freaks house and save him. He shouldn't be suffering like this. God, I should of just walked him home. Who know maybe we would of went on a date?

I head to the guidance counselors office. The files of every student are there. Including personal information. I head in and over to the filing cabinets. I scroll through the S's till I find Shuichi Saihara. Let's see. He lives at 2351 apartment complex #2 on the first floor. Meh I'll figure the rest out when I get there.

I get my phone out and punch in the adress. Not that far from school. I turn on the GPS and start walking.

It's a quick walk I get there in 10 minutes. I should of ran. If Kokichi is actually in there he could of been hurt bad in those ten minutes. I open the apartment building. There's only 2 house on the first floor so it's a 50/50 chance. I notice a Kyoko Kirigi welcome mat on the door on the right. Welp that was easy.

I kick down the door and head inside. Dr freak is in the kitchen cooking. "What the hell... Katio???" I run up to him and grab him by the collar.

"Where. The. Hell. Is. Kokichi?!?"

"Oh my beloved, ya I have no idea. Did you check his house?" I slam him Into the wall.

"That's bullshit and we both know that! I'll ask again. Where is Kokichi?"

Dr freak spits out blood. "Sorry, I have no idea." I shove him down on the counter and punch him in the face. Over. And over. And over. And over. Till his face is covered in blood. He can barely speak so I leave him to check for Kokichi.

First door. Nothing. Second door. Nothing. Third door. Nothing. Final door... something? It's a dark room with a washing machine and a pole. Kokichis laying there is the corner shaking and covering his face. What the hell did Dr freak do to the poor guy?

"Kokichi? It's ok. It's me Kaito!"

Kokichi moves his hands he's crying. "K-kaito??" I walk to him and pull him into a tight hug.

"Shhh it's me. Ill make sure no one hurts you again." He crys in my chest while I take off the chain. I pick him up bridal style and carry him to my house.
~1104 words ~
Gwidn I wanna write more but, I'm tired ;-; hopefully I'll get more out tomorrow!

Question, is it werid that I cried from my own fan fic? Idk this is just sad to me.

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now