2 ~ Plan

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Kaito's pov

It happened in a flash. (This is my story ok I write what I want >:3) Amami is on the ground with a busted lip and a bloody nose. Kokichi is on the ground trying to help Amami. People think I'm gonna continue punching and gather around.

The stupid Danganronpa freak is drooling and taking pictures. Kaede is annoyed. Maki is coming to help Kokichi. Gonta and Korekiyo are laughing and pointing. And so on.

"K-kokichi..." amami struggle to talk and coughs up some blood. Kokichi shivers at the sight and look away. He and Maki get Amami up to take him to the nurse. I really want to punch him again.

Kokichi's pov

Kaito just punched Rantaro. Witch isnt that strange he beats up everyone, but he...hugged me? He also asked what I think of him. What does he mean? God it's so confusing. I should be worried about Rantaro. Not about Kaito.

"R-rantaro can y-ou tell me w-where it hurts?" I ask he just nods and points to his nose and mouth. The nurse luckily is in and was able to stop the bleeding mostly. He has a bruise on his lip, but that's it.

I thank Maki for helping. She smiles and leaves. I walk back to Rantaro. He's sitting on the bed with an ice pack on his lip. I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. Rantaro reaches for my hand and I blush.

"I'm glad your ok." Rantaro tells me. "I-im fine. Y-you were t-there to help me!" I smile and look up to him. He kisses my forehead and we both go bright red. "Ah! Sorry force of habit!"

"I-its ok. Hey Rantaro c-can i ask you s-something?"

"Of course kich."

"W-well I'm k-kinda c-confused. When Kaito a-asked to t-talk to me he-he asked m-me how I f-felt about h-him and he hugged m-me. S-so what d-does that m-mean?"

"Well glad to know he was just hugging you and not trying to hurt you. Though its werid. Maybe he wants to gain your trust and hurt you?"

"Would h-he r-really do that?"

"Maybe I dont know. Just be careful ok Kichi?" Rantaro smiles.

"Ok! T-thank you Rantaro."

Shuichi's pov

There he is. My beloved Kokichi. I snap some pictures of him to add to my collection. The despair in his eyes from his friend getting attacked is so cute. I drool at the thought of breaking him. Wait- did the avocado just kiss my angel!?!

He shouldn't be getting kisses from anyone else. Maybe I need to approach him. Get on his good side and get him to love me back. Hopefully he'll love me and I wont have to be forceful. Though his despair would be amazing. I snap a couple more photos and leave. I need to get these and the ones from last night printed.

Kaito's pov

He really must hate me now. I punched his friend. I dont want him to hate me. I'll be ok with just being friends. Unless he wants to be more than friends. I blush at the thought. Me and Kokichi. I'd love that. I need to find a way for him to realize I'm not bad.

I see girls make chocolate and other sweets for the people they like. Maybe I could make some cookies? Would he even take them? Probably not. Amami would probably convince him that they are poison. Unless I give it to him when he's alone.

Hmm maybe before school? That might be the best time. I need to make some cookies. I really hope he'll like them, but cookies wont be enough to gain his trust. I'll need to do more. Walk him home? I'll make a plan when I get home.

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now