4 ~ lunch

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Shuichi's pov (OwO what's this a different staring pov)

5 minutes. In 5 minutes I'll talk to my beloved. I wanted to take things slow, but Amami might get in my way so I'll speed this up. He's sitting by the window paying close attention to the teacher. Everything about him is so perfect and fragile.

I glance over to the clock. 4 more minutes. Time goes by so slow, but at least it gives me a longer chance to stare at him. I snap a quick photo on my phone and write some things down.

Before I know it the bell rings. Everyone runs off to lunch, but me and my beloved. I'm gonna do it. I stand up and head to Kokichi.

"Hey, your Kokichj right?" I try to not pet him. He's just so adorable.

"U-uh ya, i-is there s-somthing y-you need?" Is stutter Is just so adorable. I just wanna make him mine now.

"Oh right! I'm Shuichi I was wondering if you would like to be friends?" Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.


"Great, wanna have lunch?"

"I-im eating l-lunch w-with m-momota. S-sorry."

"No worries, maybe tomorrow?"

"Y-ya definitely!" With that my beloved leaves. So is Momota after my beloved too? This school might have 2 dead bodies and a missing kid. I chuckle and head after Kokichi close behind.

Kaito's pov

I stand at the roof entrance. Maybe I should of walked him up here? What is he's lost? What if Amami told him it wouldnt be a good idea to have lunch? What if someone is beating him up? What if he was struck by lightning? What if he fell dow-

"M-momota?" Someone knocks me out of my thoughs. Oh, its Kokichi! So he's not lost.

"Hey, cmon let's go!" Geez, I need to hide my excitement. I open the doors and we step outside. The roof is plain with a tall fence around the edge so no one can fall. There is a bench so we sit down and start eating.

"What did you bring for lunch?" I ask.

"Oh j-just a s-simple b-nento box. Actually, Rantaro m-made it f-for m-me! He's s-so n-nice!" He smiles brightly when he says Amami's name. Why does Kokichi have to like that bastard.

"Hey, uhh if you dont mind me asking, Why do you like Amami so much?"

"H-he's a c-childhood friend. H-he h-has always b-been there for m-me."

"Oh ok." We eat and have small conversations to get to know each other. I cant help, but feel like we're being watched. Maybe I'm just paranoid. At least I'm getting to know Kokichi better!

Soon, it's time to go back to class. We get up and start walking. Unfortunately, we run into Amami. "Hey Kichi! And.... Kaito?" He glares when he sees me. Of course, I glared back that rich jerk.

"H-hey Rantaro! M-me and M-Momota just f-finished lunch!"

"You were having lunch with him?" He points and says him coldly. 'Geez I'm not that bad'

Kokichi nods and smiles. "W-we were going to c-class, w-wanna walk w-with us?"

"Sure, why not?" He glares and steps right in between me and Kokichi. 'Damnit that asshole. Wont even let me walk next to him.'

Kokichi asks me questions on the way there like: What do you do for fun? Have you ever been to a concert? Have you heard of BTS? (Again I'm a big kpop fan soooooo Kokichi now likes BTS and TxT and blackpink and momola- ok imma get back to the story). The whole time Amami  was glaring at me.

We make it to class. Amami heads to his seat and I was heading to my seat till my sleeve is pulled on.

"Hmmm?" I turn around to see Kokichi. He's nervous and has a faint blush.

"C-can I h-have y-your number?" He stutters a lot. I nod and he hands me his phone.

I type my number in and he smiles. "Thanks!" I feel a glare on me probably Amami. I ruffle Kokichi's hair. He giggles and heads to his seat.

I blush and head to my seat. Geez, I swear he's doing that on purpose.

~735 words~

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now