5 ~ hangout

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Kaito's pov

A few weeks have gone by. I've managed to become somewhat friends with Kokichi. Kokichi trusts me! But Rantaro doesnt. He probably thinks I'm just trying to gain his trust and then stab him in the back. I honestly just wanna be friends... maybe even more if I'm lucky, but I'm not. I'm not mad about being just friends though. Heck, just talking to the guy makes me happy.

What doesn't make me happy is see the Danganronpa freak talking to Kokichi. He's been talking with him lately. Hopefully, he doesnt try to hurt Kokichi.

"K-kaito are y-you listening?" Someone snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn and look down Kokichi's holding his lunch and staring back at me.

"Aaa no sorry I got lost in thought. What were you saying?"

"I-I was s-seeing if y-you were b-busy. M-maybe we c-could h-hang o-out." He blushes while he says the last part. I ruffle his soft hair.

"Ya I'm free anytime! What about after school?"

Kokichi nods. "Y-ya that w-would be fine!"

"Great, do you wanna go to my house or the mall or anywhere?"

"I-i dont m-mind. Y-you pick."

"Ok, I think we should go to my house."

He smiles and has a small blush and nods. He pulls out his phone and checks the time. "W-we should h-head back t-to c-class."

"Ok." We pick up our things and start walking to class.

"Kokichi!" Someone shouts behind us. We both turn and look. The Danganronpa freak is running up to us.

"H-hey Shuichi!" Kokichi says smiling.

I glare at Shuichi. He glares back. "Hey, are you guys heading to class? Mind if I tag along?"

Before I could open my mouth to argue, he starts walking ahead of us and Kokichi follows. I sigh and follow close to Kokichi.

When we get to class we head our separate ways. As soon as I sit down my phone vibrates.

Adorable grape
Hey kaito. I'm bored already.

Cute bully
Really? Class hasn't even started up again.

Adorable grape
I know. I just have no one to talk to since Rantaro isnt here.

Cute bully
What am I? A ghost?

Adorable grape
No no no!!! Of course not!! I'm just not used to sitting without Rantaro.

Cute bully
Well, what if you sat over here for class. I'm sure the teacher wouldnt care. Or I could sit there.

Adorable grape
Really? That would be amazing thank you!!

With that I put my phone in my pocket and head to Amami's empty seat. I sit down next to a smiling boy. I pat his head. 'Why do you have to be so cute?'

Kokichi giggles and blushes. We talk for a little bit. Kokichi gets me to listen BTS' new music video. While, he fangirls (or fanboys) over Yoongi (suga for those who dont know their real names. Dont come at me for using his real name I like it better). "Geez, why are you freaking out over him? I'm just as good as him!"

Kokichi turns to me. "A-all right t-then! C-can you r-rap, p-play basketball w-well, and b-be adorable!" He says.

"I can do all of those things and I'm not just adorable I'm hot!" I point to myself.

Kokichi blushes and nods. "O-ok, b-but a-are y-you i-in a w-worldwide f-famous boyband? If y-you were I-id say y-your p-perfect boyfriend m-material!"

So he likes guys in boybands. I'll remember that. "No, but I'm still hot!" Kokichi sighs and lays on my shoulder.

"I-im g-gonna sleep. W-wake me u-up when the teacher c-comes." I blush and I notice Kokichi's face is red to. I wrap my arm around him and let him sleep.

~ time skip to after school ~

Me and Kokichi are heading to my house. I have my earbuds plugged in on my phone and one earbud in my ear the other in Kokichi's. I let him pick the music witch he picked TXT. It's not bad. I'll probably never tell him that though.

As we get to my front door I pull out my keys to unlock it. "Grandma I'm home!" I pull the earbud out and Kokichi does the same. "Huh, guess shes not home." I check the fridge. Theres a note on it.


Me and your grandfather went to our friends birthday celebration. We will be home later tonight! I left you some dinner in the fridge all you have to do is heat it up when your hungry!

Love you!

I take Kokichi to my room. My room isnt that big. I have a full size bed, a dresser with a tv on it, my desk witch is covered in papers, and a book shelve for books duh. I have some space posters on the wall. (I'm pretty sure pregame Kaito didnt have space stuff, but whatever I'm putting it in cause this is my story >:3) Kokichi looks around and startes at the posters.

"D-do you l-like s-space?"

"Huh? Oh ya! I wanna be an astronaut when I get older!"

"Y-you do k-know a-astronauts are s-smart r-right?" He laughs.

"Why you?" I hug him and push him on the bed. He's still laughing. I tickle him and he laughs harder.

"K-kaito please s-stop!" He says in between laughter. I give in and let go I sit on the bed looking down at my dirty clothes. Kokichi jumps up and hugs me from behind scaring me. I feel my face heat up.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask trying to hide my face.


"What movie?"

"I d-dont mind! A-anything i-interesting!"

"Ok!" I put in a horror movie I've seen a million times and we sit on my bed. After, the first jump scare I roll my eyes. 'How did I find this movie so scary?'

A little bit into the movie I feel something on my chest. I look down Kokichi is clinging to my terrified. He looks on the verge of tears. I grab the remote and turn the tv off.

I hug him close and wishper sweet nothings into his ear until he falls asleep. I lay him down on my bed and tuck him in.

"Goodnight Kokichi, I love you" I kiss his forehead and leave.

~1098 words O-O to manyyyyy ~

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now