11 ~ Happy ending/new book

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Kaito's pov

~ there in college ~

After me and Kokichi got together, highschool just flew by. We spent almost everyday together and grew even closer. We live in a small apartment by our school.

"I'm home!" I call as I unlock the door. It's not that big. When you walk in theres a long hallway and 2 opens entrances on the side one to the kitchen the other one is for the living room. Down the hall is our bedroom and bathroom. "Babe?" I call out again.

"I'm i-in the l-living room!" I head to the living room. Kokichi is sitting on the floor with his laptop doing homework. Our cat Checkred is sleeping on the couch. "H-hey Kaito h-how was c-class?" I sit down next to him.

"Boring, hows homework going?" He rests his head on my shoulder and sighs.

"Its s-so h-hard! The t-teacher is m-aking me right a presentation for one of the freshmen class! I have enough homework and now he's making me do his own work because he's lazy!" I kiss the top of his head.

"Geez, let me guess it's Mr. Xxx?" (I did x's cuz I cant think of a name)

"Ya, how did you know?" Kokichi looks up at me and his eyes light up. "Wow! Can my boyfriend read minds!" I laugh and ruffle his hair.

"No sadly. I'd like to know what Checkered thinks if us! But I over heard a few if the older kids talk about him. He makes the best students fo his work. So he thinks your a good student!" He sighs and shuts his laptop. He sits in my lap and cuddles up to me.

"Urgh! I don't want to do his work!" He whines.

"Ok then, how about we order pizza and watch a movie! You could finish his work tomorrow!"

"All right" he looks up at me. "Yay! My boyfriend is buying me food!
I smile. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too Kokichi." I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

~ The end ~

Thank you for reading this! I hope you liked it! Also I started a new story! Oumota oneshots!

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