10 ~ Recovery

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No idea if the photo will work since it didnt last time :/ but I made this Oumota edit myself

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No idea if the photo will work since it didnt last time :/ but I made this Oumota edit myself. Also, could you please follow my insta @// Peaxhy.kokichi Thank you! I mainly post Oumota cuz it's my comfort ship! Ok back to the story! Oh wait! If you do follow me dont be afraid to dm, I like making new friends!

Kaito's pov

I set Kokichi on my bed and check his wounds. I need to get him to a hospital, but I'll need help. As much as I hate to admit it, i need Avocado. I pull out my phone and start to walk out to call him. Something tugs at my jacket and I turn to see Kokichi. "P-please d-dont g-go." He starts tearing up. I sit back on the bed a pull him close.

"Shhh, I wont leave you I promise." He sighs in relief, but still clings onto me. I put his hair and call Avocado.

"What do you want Momota?" He sounds cold. Obviously, still annoyed at me.

"I was right. I found Kokichi at Dr freak's house. He has horrible injuries and I need to get him to the hospital, but I cant do it by myself."

"Kichi?!? Is he ok? Where are you?? I'll be right there!"

I tell him my adress and he hangs up. I look at Kokichi. He is still clinging to me. "Hey Kokichi? Me and Avocado are gonna take you to the hospital to get your injuries bandaged." He nods and buries his head in my chest.



"I-i was s-scared t-that you wouldnt c-come. T-that you w-wouldnt care t-that I w-was missing. I-i was s-scared you w-would forget m-m-me." He breaks out into tears.

"I would never forget you Kokichi. I love you." Shit. Why did I say that? He might never talk to me again now. I just wanna slap myself.

"D-do you m-mean it?" Kokichi looks up at me with hope in his eyes. I wipe his tears away and kiss his forehead.

"Of course I do." He smiles and hugs me tightly.

"I-I love y-ou too!" He stops hugging me looks at me. "Y-you really a-arent joking r-right?"

"No I can prove it." I grab his chin and lift his head up to mine. Our lips press together. Kokichi's lips are soft. We pull apart both of our faces completely red. (I cringed while writing this lol)

I smile. "God, your so beautiful." He blushes and looks away. I smile and lean in for another kiss when someone knocks on the door. 'Geez way to ruin the mood' I pick Kokichi up and set him on the bed. "Its probably Avocado I'll be right back ok?" He nods and i leave.

I open the door and Avocado bursts in. "Where's Kichi?"

"My bedroom." He bolts down the hall way. I shut the door and follow. When I get to the bedroom Avocado is on my bed hugging Kokichi and talking about how he was worried and missed him.

"All right." I pull Avocado away and pick Kokichi up.

"Geez, it isnt really the time to get jealous."

"I'm not jealous, we need to get to the hospital for Kokichi!" He rolls his eyes and we head to his car.

~ Tine skip bc uhh idk what to write here ~

The doctor just left Kokichi should be fine. His leg is broken and he lost a lot of blood, but other than that he's ok. He hasn't let go of my hand the entire time though. Avocado noticed and had a face like he knew what was happening and didnt approve. I don't care.

"We should get going." Avocado says. "Kichi can you walk?" He shakes his head and looks over at me.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"Y-yes." I pick him up. He rests his head in my shoulder and wraps his legs around my waist. The whole drive home was quiet. I sat in the back seat with Kokichi and Avocado drove. Kokichi is staring off into space and looking out the window. I'm on my phone seeing if it's ok for Kokichi to stay the night. Luckily, my grandparents think it's ok. "Kokichi, if it's all right with you my grandparents said you can stay the night."

He turns to me and smiles. "Y-ya that's f-fine." He lays his head on my shoulder and watches me play a game on my phone.

"Oh Kokichi? Where's your phone?" He starts shaking. Does Dr freak still have it? I dont want Kokichi to think about that. I hugs him and wishper caring words into his ears he's calmed down by the time we got to my house. "T-thanks f-for the ride Rantaro!" He calls out as we head to the front door. Rantaro leaves and I open the front door. Grandpa is in bed and Grandma's sitting on the couch waiting for us.

"Grandma were home." I take Kokichi's hand and walk with him to the living room.

"Oh dear, what happened to you?!?" She asks Kokichi. He freezes and hides behind me.

"He's shy grandma, but he just fell off his bike."

"Oh my! I hope you get better soon!" Kokichus nods and we head to my bedroom. When we get in Kokichi heads to my closet and looks through my clothes. I smile and find a movie for us to watch.

Kokichi comes out wearing my hoodie and his underwear. He sits on the bed with me. "W-what do y-you wanna w-watch?"

"Hmm I don't care you can pick. I dont wanna scare you again." He nods and we look through Netflix together. We end up watching a kids movie. "Hey k-kaito?"


"I-I forgot t-to a-ask this, but a-are we dating n-now?" I honestly haven't thought about it. Of course I want to I love him. Living with him, getting married, growing old. I'd like to do that with him.

"Ya, unless you dont want too" He shakes his head.

"Of c-course not! I-i was w-waiting for y-you to take m-me on a n-nice d-dinner though." I laugh.

"Sorry babe. I dont have any money." He blushes at the nickname. And hides under the blanket. (I should mention their laying down).

"Kokichi, you dont need to be embarrassed." I rub his back and kiss his forehead. He looks out from the blanket. "I love you."

He smiles and kisses me, "I love you too!"

~ 1119 words ~

Next chapter will be the one.

I'm not a bad guy {Pregame oumota} ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now