quick oneshot

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Ok I saw this photo and I came up with a short story and I wanna write it down before I forget it

Also what's this 2 chapters in one night even though one is not even related to the story OwO

Kaito's pov (idol Kokichi x kaito)

There he is. My beautiful boyfriend dancing up on stage and singing. God, he's so adorable. As the song fades out and everyone chears and claps "Goodnight Everyone thank you so much for coming!" Kokichi shouts out. Everyone squeals as the all bow and leave the stage.

"Momota~channnnnn!" Kokichi runs and jumps in my arms. He kisses me.

"Hey babe! Your show was amazing tonight especially you." Kokichi blushes and buries his head in my neck.

"Stupid momota." I laugh. His manager Shuichi comes over.

"Good job tonight everyone! You all did great!" He smiles and claps his hands.

"Do you approve the dances?" I ask him.

"Well, yes. But I dont come up with them."

"Well, since you approve. How about you give Kokichi something less sexual! Like an innocent little dance and give him more layers I can see his stomach!" His manager just nods and walks over to talk to Kiibo. Another member of Kokichi's group.

Kokichi pops his head up. "Momota~chan I can wear what I want and it's not that bad!"

"Yes, it is I don't want other guys thinking they can have a chance with you!" Kokichi just rolls his eyes and sighs.

"I'm tireddddd! Carry me home!!!!"

"All right!" I'm used to this. He always wants me to carry him home. Well, he does work hard so I dont mind. I set him down in the car and buckle him in. I get in the driver's seat and we head home.

Once we get back to our house. He's already drank 2 pantas and seems to be fully recovered. "Geez, remind me to write down that if your ever dying to just give you some panta!"

"Ok!" He giggles and runs inside. I follow him inside. We get treated by our cat dice. Kokichi runs up to him and picks him up. "Did you miss your parents?"

I smile as he continues talking to the cat. I put some stuff away and head to my room to change. After, I'm done I lay in our bed and watch some tv.

Eventually, Kokichi comes in and lays on my chest. 'Guess he wants to snuggle' I wrap my arms around him and ruffle his soft hair. He falls asleep and shorty after him I do too.

~ 432 words ~

Ok that was kinda bad, I'm half asleep and made this so I dotn forget about it. I just now realized I could of made a new story and kept it in my drafts for later, but i already made it soooo. I plan on doing Oumoto oneshots after this book. No idea when that will happen, but whatever. Thanks for reading UwU

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