Where am I? (Chapter 2)

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I opened my eyes to a recognizable looking room.

"She is awake." heard someone say.

"Are you ok miss?" asked a familiar voice.

"I am fi...." I stared at the boy I shock.

"Is there something on my face?" The boy asked giving you a confused look.

'This boy looks like Charlie from Willy Wonka & the chocolate factory

"How did I get here?" I asked getting up.

"My mom found you laying unconscious on the street while walking home so she brought you here," Charlie replied.

"You had these things with you," he said pointing at the suitcase and bag.

"You were also holding this." He continued while giving you your phone.

"Thank you, Charlie," you said to him.

"How did you know my name?" he asked.

"It is best that you get your mother to so I can explain it to her too," I said to him.

"Ok, I will get her," He said going downstairs to get his mom.

Charlie got back with his mom by his side.

"Thank god you are alright," said Ms.Bucket.

"She wants to say something to us mom," said Charlie to his mom.

"Yes well you see I am not from this world," I said to Ms.bucket.

"I am from a world where your universe is a movie," I said while showing her a photo of the movie banner on my phone.

"Is the movie fiction or non-fiction?" Ms.Bucket asked me.

"Well in my universe it is not real," I answer.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said to Ms.Bucket.

"Ask away," said Ms.Bucket.

"Is there something going on with to Wonka bars? I asked Ms.Bucket.

"No there is nothing going on with them." She answered.

'That means the movie has not started.' i thought to myself.

Stuck in a movie! (Willy Wonka love story)Where stories live. Discover now