hsaw aknow Part 19

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"Can we sit down for a minute? This place is killing me." Said Mrs.Teevee 

"Don't you ever walk anyways?" (y/n) asked Mrs.Teevee

Mrs.Teevee mumbled something under her breath.

"Don't worry, transportation has been arranged." said Mr.Wonka

"I sure hope it's not a boat ride." said (y/n) acting like she does not know about what transportation they will be using.

"Do not worry dear, I would never want to make you do something you are uncomfortable with." said Mr.Wonka kissing (y/n)'s hand. 

(y/n) blushed a bit.

the group walked to the WonkaMobile.

The Oompa Loompa's were filling the machine with the fizzy drinks.

"Behold, the WonkaMobile! Places please, the dance is about to begin." 

"Mr.Wonka, what are they filling it up with?" asked Charlie.

"Oh, ginger ale, ginger pop, ginger beer, beer bubbles, bubble aid, bubble cola, double-bubble burp-a-cola, and all the carbonated stuff that tickles your nose. Few people realize what tremendous power there is on one of those things." Explained Mr.Wonka.

"Now grab a seat, they're going fast." said Mr.Wonka.

(y/n) Gets on the WonkaMobile but slips and falls...

Right onto Mr.Wonka.

"I'm sorry, I am clutz." said (y/n) blushing.

"Don't worry, I don't mind." said Mr.Wonka smiling.

You swore you saw him blushing.

After staring at each other for a bit Mr.Wonka helps (y/n) on the WonkaMobile.

"Everyone set?" said willy wonka getting on the WonkaMobile.

"Is this going to go fast?" asked charlie.

"I don't know, Charlie, but it certainly has more gas in it than a blowfish." said (y/n).

"Now hold on tight. I am really going to open her up this time and see what she can do." Said Mr.Wonka before beginning to pull the levers and switching gears.

The WonkaMobile started to move slowly.

"Swifter than eagles, stronger than lions!" said willy wonka.

Charlie pouted expecting the machine to go faster.

"Well, that was rather anticlimac-" Charlie was interrupted by the bubbles coming out of the machine.

(y/n) Was not really comfortable with the bubbles coming out of the machine knowing the fact that these same bubbles burned the skin of the actors during the filming of the movie.

After realizing that it where actual bubbles (y/n) and charlie had a bubble fight ignoring the remarks of Mrs.Teevee and Mike Teevee.

"My dress! My hair! My face!"

"It's sticking to my gun!"

"It's steeping in my shoes!"

"It got in my eye!"

Meanwhile, Mr.Wonka was singing an aria while also getting sprayed by bubbles.

"I'm sending you the cleaning bill, Mr.Wonka." said Ms.Teevee.

A few moments after she said that we were cleaned by the machine ahead of them.

"What was that?" asked Ms.Teevee

"Hsaw akow." awserd Mr.Wonka.

"Is that Japanese?" asked Mrs.Teevee.

"Well that is a bit racist, And for your information, It's Wonka wash spelled backwords." (y/n) said.

"What do you know about Japanese anyway?" asked Mrs.Teevee.

"Well, I happened to have enough brain cells to figure out that that sentence did not sound Japanese." (y/n) said smirking. 

"I swear some adults know it all." said Mrs.Teevee.

"Everybody off. that's it. the journey is over." Mr.Wonka said getting off his seat as everyone got out of their seats.

"That's as far as it goes? Couldn't we have walked?" said Mrs.Teevee

"If the Lord had meant for us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller-skates." said willy wonka to Ms.Teevee.

"He is not wrong." said (y/n)

________________________________________________________________________________Thank you so much for reading Chapter 19 of my fanfic!

So I have something really important to share with you all.

Yesterday I started to experience symptoms of covid19.

So today I got tested for covid and I am still waiting for my result.

So I don't know for sure if I have it yet but for now, I am stuck in my room isolated from my family because my mom works in a medical environment. 

So I decided that if any of you have any questions about me you can ask.

Just don't make them to personal.

I hope you are all doing better than me,

lots of love


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