Happy Birthday Charlie! (chapter 7)

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*1 week later*

it has been 1 week and Augustus Gloop already got his ticket.

Now we are celebrating Charlie's birthday today.

I was walking home from work when it came to me 'I have never seen Willy Wonka's factory in real life!' So I decided to see the factory.

When I got there I could smell the chocolate and it smelled amazing!

I wonder if a Wonka bar tastes as amazing as it smells.

After standing there for a while I went back home.

I got home to hear the family already saying happy birthday to Charlie.

"(y/n) your late," said Ms.Bucket I mean mom.

I know I passed by the Chocolate Factory on the way home from getting Charlie's birthday present." You said to her.

I watched Charlie open the presents that mom and my two grandmas gave him.

"And here's a little gift from grandpa George and me," said Grandpa Joe giving him his present.

"I think I know what this is," Charlie said opening the gift to find a Wonka bar "It's a Wonka bar!" he said with a smile.

"Open it, Charlie. Let's see that golden ticket."

"Wouldn't that be fantastic?"

"It's not fair to raise his hopes!" Mom scolded Grandpa Joe.

"Never mind. Go on, open it, Charlie. I want to see that gold." said Grampa Joe too charlie.

"Stop it dad" Scolded Mom once again.

"I've got the same chance as everyone else, haven't I? charlie asked you.

"Yes Charlie you do," you said to him.

he looked at us for a second and then said "here it goes" he turns his back and opens it "I've got it!"

A couple of excited shouts came out "Charlie stop lying please" You said while watching him turn around "I fooled you though I really had it."

"Never mind, Charlie. You'll find one."

"Here, everybody has a bite."

Multiple protests were heard, Charlie turned to me. "Have you ever had a Wonka Bar?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Then here have some! You can't live without having one," he said handing you a piece of the chocolate bar.

You took a bite out of it and it was amazing!

"Wow this is amazing," you said and everyone laughed at your surprised face.

"Well here is my present," you said giving it to charlie.

He unwrapped the present to find a music box that said Beauty and the beast when you open it.

He unwrapped the present to find a music box that said Beauty and the beast when you open it

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"Wow, this is beautiful where did you get it?" he asked.

"That is a secret," you said to him.

"Charlie can you turn it on?" asked Grandpa Joe.

Charlie turned the little lever on the side and the music bo started playing Beauty and the beast.

Of course, you knew the song at heart started to sing the lyrics of the song.

When you were done singing everyone clapped for you.

You started blushing.

"(y/n) that was amazing!" said Charlie.

"Where is that song from?" asked Granpa Joe.

"It's from Beaty and the beast it's a movie I liked to watch when I was about Charlie's age I think.

"Thank you for the amazing gift," said Charlie giving you a hug.

"Ok now of too bed you too." Said, Mom.

"Ok goodnight," you said to your grandparents and mom.

"Goodnight." said everyone back.

You and charlie went to your room.

Before you went to sleep you told Charlie one last happy birthday and fell asleep to the sound of the music box that Charlie wanted to hear one last time before going to bed.

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