Fizzy Lifting Drinks (Chapter 17)

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Warning! There is going to be some mentioning of blood in this Chapter so if you are sensitive to that kind of topic I advise you to not read the chapter! 

"Come on, something very unusual in here." We followed Willy into the bubble room.

When we walked into the room the bubbles started to appear.

 You were mesmerized by all the bubbles that filled the room.

"Bubbles, bubbles everywhere, but not a drop to drink." Said Willy glancing at you and Charlie.

"What's it making Mr.Wonka." You asked him.

"Fizzy lifting drinks. They lift you with gas and the gas is so terrifically lifting that it lifts you off like a balloon. But I dare to sell it." Willy Wonka looked you straight in the eyes when he said "It's still too powerful."

"It's very high!" You said looking at the fan that was on the ceiling.

"Let's try some!"

"No, No, No. Absolutely not. There'd be children floating all over the place! Come along, don't hang about." Said Willy Wonka pushing everyone but you and Charlie out of the room but before he left the room he said: "You're going to be wild about this next one." 

You were really scared to ask Charlie to take a sip of the fizzy lifting drinks so you started following Willy Wonka.

But before you could take a step towards the exit you were tugged by your shirt.

"Let's take a drink." said Charlie.

'Okay keep it cool (y/n), do it for Charlie.' You thought to yourself.

"What?!" You said.

"No one is watching. A small one won't hurt." Said Charlie using his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, But you better hope the Oompa Loompas don't have a song ready when we get hurt." You said kinda scared.

Charlie started to get excited and hugged you.

Charlie took one of the bottles out of the conveyor belt handing it to you.

You opened the bottle and took the smallest sip of it.

Charlie took a sip too."

you placed the bottle back in its original place.

"I don't think anything is going to happen." You said.

Suddenly you were floating in the air.

In a panic, you grabbed onto the handle on the wall and Charlie grabbed your ankle.

"What are we going to do know." You said kind of worried.

"I am going to try to get down." Charlie said about to let go of your ankle.

"CHARLIE JAMES BUCKET! DON'T YOU DARE LET GO!" You said screaming as loud at Leo Bloom when you take his blanket away from him.

"Maybe the bottle says how to get down, We could check the label?" Charlie suggested.

"I would if I didn't put them back in there original place." You said about to panic.

Then you remembered that charlie had to burp to get down.

"Okay, Charlie I want you to try to burp okay." You said.

Charlie started burping and was already on the ground now.

You were still holding onto the handle tying to burp but you could not do it.

Your hands were sweating and suddenly your grip on the handle let go.

You were shooting up in the air going so fast you should not think.

But then you remembered the fan on the ceiling.

So you pointed your elbow up where you were going to hit the fan and you held up your hand up to where the border was of the fan.

When your hand touched the metal border you felt a pain in your elbow.

You started trying to burp and it worked you slowly were going down.

When your feet touched the ground you felt a wave of relief washing over you.

"(y/n) your elbow is bleeding." Charlie said looking very worried.

You looked at the cut on your elbow and it was not as bad as if felt.

You grabbed another piece of fabric you had.

You had another one because you are a clutz and scrape your knee a lot when you fall.

"Okay, Charlie from now on we keep out feet on the ground you understand." You said to him in a very scary tone taking out your blanket and rubbing it on your face trying to calm yourself down.

"Yes madam!" Said Charlie saluting.

"Okay let's go catch up to the others." You said.

You and Charlie caught up with the others.


Wow, I can not believe what I just wrote but I hope you like it.

And I hope you did not mind that there is a bit of blood mentioned in this Chapter.

thanks for reading this Chapter!

And of course, I want to thank you for the 1k reads!

I never thought I would make it so far!

Have a great day and remember to love yourself.

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