The contract (chapter 11)

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As you walked with the crowd you placed the piece of fabric in your back pocket of your jeans.

as you walked next to Charlie.

"Do you always have that piece of fabric on you?" Asked Charlie.

"Yes I do, I got the idea from a film I really love." You said to Charlie.

"that's smart," said Charlie to you.

We were all standing in the lobby when Mr.Wonka said "Hats, Coats, and galoshes over there. And hurry, we have so much time and so little to see."

The room was silent for a moment while you were waiting for him to say the iconic line.

"Wait a minute, strike that, reverse it. Thank you." He said.

you smiled at the line. You walked to the coat hangers and took your jacket off.

Your jacket got snatched by one of the clothing hangers kind of scaring you.

"Surprises around every corner, But nothing dangerous! Don't be alarmed. Now, as soon as your outer vestments are in hand..." you giggled at the little pun he made 'god Gene was a funny man' you thought to yourself.

"We'll begin. now, will the children kindly step up here." continued Mr.Wonka.

The children including Charlie formed a line where Mr.Wonka said to stand.

Mr.Wonka walked over to the curtain and reveal the contract.

you did not read it because you knew what I was but you pretended to read it too not make anyone question you.

"Violet you first," said Mr.Wonka handing her feather quill.

"Violet, Don't sign anything." Her father took the quill out of violet's hands.

"What's this Mr.Wonka?" Asked Her father.

"A standard form of contract," replied Mr.Wonka innocently.

"Don't talk contracts to me. I use them all the time. Strictly for suckers." said Violet's father.

Mr.Wonka pouted "You wouldn't begrudge me a little protection, Just a drop."

"I don't sign anything without a lawyer." Said Violet's father.

"My Veruca won't sign anything either." Said Mr.Salt.

"Then she won't go in. Sorry, rules of the house." Said Mr.Wonka with a smirk.

"I want to go in and don't you dare stop me!" Veruca marched right up too Mr.Wonka took the quill and signed the contract.

"Nicely handled, Veruca. She's a girl who knows where she's going. Next? The rest of the children signed the contract Charlie was going to sign.

"Charlie?" said Mr.Wonka while offering him the quill.

Instead of taking it right away, Chalie looked at you.

"What about me, Can I sign (y/n)," Charlie asked you.

"Yes you can Charlie, you have my permission to sign," you said to Charlie.

Mr.Wonka looked at you for a moment before looking away.

Charlie took the quill and signed the contract.

"Everyone signed? Yes? good. in we go!" said Mr.Wonka.


Thx for reading this part took me a long time because I wanted to add more detail to the chapters in the factory.

Btw I have a new book where you can request me to edit a gene wilder profile pic, book cover or anything like that so go check it out if you want too

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