Veruca's demise (part 18)

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You and Charlie caught up with the group trying not to be noticed.

The group walked into the next room.

(y/n) looked at the room from a safe distance.

 the room looked more beautiful in real life.

Five wite golden geese where looking at the guests from above.

They were beautiful.

"Fascinating." (y/n) mumbled under her breath.

"I am glad you think so." said Willy Wonka looking at your elbow a bit worried.

Willy Wonka walked to the front of the group to start his explanation.

"These are the geese that lay golden eggs. As you can see, They're larger than ordinary geese. In fact, They're quadruple the size geese wich produce octuple size eggs. They're laying overtime now for easter." Explained Willy Wonka to the group.

"But easter's over!"

"SHHH" Mr.Wonka grabbed Mike and placed his hand over his mouth looking up worried at the geese.

"They don't know that. I'm trying to get ahead for nexst year." said Mr.Wonka after deciding it was safe to say.

"What happens if you drop one of those eggs, Wonka." Ask Mr.Salt very interested in the eggs being gold.

"An omelet fit for a king sir."

"Are they chocolate eggs?"

"Golden chcolate eggs. It's a great delicacy." Said Mr.Wonka before wacking his cane in front of mike stopping him from getting closser to the geese.

"But I whoudn't get too close. The geese are very temperamental." He pointed to the eggdicator "That is why we have the eggdicator." said Mr.Wonka.

A egg rolled out from under a geese. It fell down carefully to the eggdicator. the scale attached to the eggdicator went pointed to the side that said good. An Oompa Loompa then brought the egg to the cleaning station.

"The eggdicator can tell the difference between a good and a bad egg. If it's a good egg, It's shined up and shipped all over the world. But if it's a bad egg." Mr.Wonka gave a tumbs down when another egg came down the scale and it pointed to the side that said bad and beeped the platform under the egg gave away and the egg fell down the chute "It goes down the chute."

"It's an educated eggdicator." (y/n) said giggling.

"It's nonsense." Said Mr.Salt.

Willy Wonka wisperd something in his ear as Veruca walked over to the cleaning station where the Oompa Loompas where working.

"Daddy, I want a golden goose!" said veruca making one of the oompa loomas look at his coworkers with a look for help.

Charlie sighed. "Here we go again." (y/n) and charlie said at the same time.

"Alright, sweetheart, Alright. Daddy will get you a golden goose as soon as we get home."

"No! I want one of those." she pointed to the geese on top of the eggdicator.

"Here." (y/n) said to charlie giving him ear plugs.

"Thank you we are going too need it." said charlie putting them in his ears.

Mr.Salt turned around and grabbed his wallet out of his coat. "Alright Wonka. How much you want for the golden goose?"

"They're not for sale." Mr.Wonka said as nice as possible while shaking his head.

"Name you price." Mr.Salt said pulling out a checkbook and a pen starting to fill it out.

"She can't have one." said Mr.Wonka.

(y/n) put in her earplugs preparing herself for the meltdown Veruca is going to have.

Veruca turned to Mr.Salt with a mad look on her face. "Who says I can't? I want one. I want a golden goose." Said Veruca.

The oompa loompas put on earmufs to block out her whining.

(Skip to 0:22)

Veruca fell down the eggdicator.

"She was a bad egg." Said Mr.Wonka breaking the silence.

"Where's she gone?"

"Where all the other bad eggs go, Down the garbage chute."

Mr.Salt looked worried "The garbage chute!? Where does it lead to?"

"To the furnace."

"She'll be sizzle like a sausage!"

"Not necessarily. She could be stuck inside the tube."

Mr.Salt rushed to the shute saying "Hold on, Veruca, sweetheart! daddy's coming." he fell down the eggdicator.

"There'll be a lot of garbage today." said Willy Wonka.

An oompa loompa nodded in agreement.

(y/n) was freaking out in the corner rubbing her blanket on her face.

Willy wonka noticed it and walked over to (y/n).

"What is that?" he said pointing to her blanket.

"Oh nothing." (y/n) said hiding it behind her back.

Willy wonka took the blanket out of (y/n)'s hand.

(y/n) started to freak out. 

"My Blanket! My Blanket! Give me back my blanket!" (y/n) screamed at willy Wonka while pointing to the blanket.

Willy Wonka being starteled at your outburst have you back your blanket.

You calmed down rubbing the blanket on your face.

"Sorry, I just don't like others touching my blanket." said (y/n).

"I'm so sorry." said willy wonka pulling you into a hug.

"I-It's fine." You said startteled.

You have not been hugged in 4 months becouse of corona so it started you a bit.

Willy wonka pulled away from the hug.

"Well let's go on with the tour." he said smiling.

You placed your blanket into your back pocket after giving it a kiss.

"Now that is what I call a weird but romantic moment." said Charlie laughing.

"Shut it." you said blushing.

You and Charlie followed the group to the nexst room.


Thank you for reading chapter 18!

So I feel like I have some explaining to do about why I have not updated in a while.

The reason is because I just started school again it is a hot mess!

Two of my classmates had to go in for a corona test and the amounts of homework and tests I have been getting is really having an effect on the times I write.

I am so sorry you had to wait so long for the chapter.

Lot's of love.


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