The Everlasting Gobstoppers. (Chapter 15)

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"We're here." Said Mr.Wonka calmly.


"Here." He pointed out the door we stopped at.

"A small kind from mankind, But a giant step for us." The group looked very shaken up except Mike Teevee.

"Well." said Mr.Wonka smiling "All ashore."

Everyone stepped out of the boat.

"Are you ok charlie?" You asked him.

"Yes, I am fine." Said Charlie.

You and charlie looked at the signs on the door.

The first one read 'Danger. Keep out. Only authorized Oompa Loompas are admitted.' The others signs under the signs "Store room No. 54. Dairy Cream, Whipped cream, Coffee cream, Vanilla cream-" you and charlie read the last sign in confusion. "Hair Cream?"

Mr. Wonka walked to the front of the croud and pulled out a strange-looking key with only two prongs out of his pocket.

He unlocked the door.

But before opening it he said. "Meine Herrschaften, scenken Sie mir ihre aufmerksamet. Sie kommen jetzt in den intressanteten und gleichzietig gehiemsten raum miener fabrik." The group looked at him cofussed.

You understood a little bit of german but could not translate it so you stayed quiet.

"Meine Damen und Herren, der Iventing room." He opened the door to let us in but quickly closed it again.

"Now remember, no messing about. No touching, no tasting and no telling." He said looking each cild in the eye.

"No telling what?"

"All of my most secret inventions simmering here. Old slugworth would give his fals teeth to get inside for five minutes. So don't touch a thing!" He explained.

Mr.Wonka let the group in.

You looked at the Invention that looked as messy as you remember how it was in the film.

"Even if slugworth did get in here he wouldn't be able to find anything." You whispered to Charlie.

"Yes, it lookes like your room at the momment." Said Charlie to you.

"You do know we have the same room Charlie." You said to him.

Charlie pouted at your comeback.

You chuckled.

"Charlie I want you to place your hands behind your back so you don't touch anything ok." You said to him.

He nodded and placed his hands behind his back.

You walked over to Mr.Wonka who was mixing liquids.

"Shouldn't you be wairing gloves?" Asked Mrs.Teevee.

"Invention, dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple."

"That's one hundred and five percent!"

He shrugged.

"Is it any good?" You asked out of interest.

He took a sip from the mixture.

"Yes-!" His eyes widened at his voice who was now higher in tone.

You let out a little laugh.

Mr.Wonka smiled at you before clearing his throat and moving on.

He picked up a clock from a counter and walked over to veruca who was standing next to one of the many vats.

"Time is a precious thing." He said acting like he was going to hand Veruca the clock, But dropped it in the vat instead and said "Never waste it."

Stuck in a movie! (Willy Wonka love story)Where stories live. Discover now