entering the factory (chapter 10)

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You woke up very happy because you are going to meet one of Wilder's characters!!!

Charlie was still sleeping so you woke him up.

"Wake up Charlie today we are going to meet Willy Wonka!" You said shaking him awake.

"Are we going to be late??" Asked Charlie.

"No, we still have 3 hours before we have to be at the gates, so chop chop we have to get ready," you said to Charlie.

"Ok fine." Said Charlie standing up to get ready.

~time skip~

You and Charlie arrived at the gates.

the platform was blocked by the crowd.

"How are we going to get by the platform?" Charlie asked you.

"Just take my hand and whatever you do, do not let go of my hand," you said to Charlie.

You and charlie pushed through the crowd.

After you and Charlie made it through the crowd you both sat down on the platform.

As you waited a news reporter asked you if he could ask you questions.

"Is that ok with you Charlie?" you asked Charlie.

"Yes, that's ok with me and with you (y/n)?" Charlie asked you.

you nodded.

"Ok, so let's start then." said the news reporter to you and Charlie.

"How do you feel about winning the last golden ticket?" Asked the news reporter.

"I was in shock and did not believe something like that would happen to me," said Charlie.

"It feels like a dream really I am just happy that Charlie is happy," you said with a big smile on your face.

After you and Charlie finished the interview it was almost time for Mr.Wonka to make his grand antrée.

you started to get a small panic attack 'what if he finds out that I am not from this world' you thought to yourself.

You looked through your bag making Charlie curious.

You took out a small piece of fabric.

"What is that?" charlie asked pointing at the piece of fabric.

"It helps me calm down when I get nervous," you said to him.

"I like the color," said Charlie.

The piece of fabric was pink, purple, and blue.

"thank you charlie." you smiled putting it back in your bag.

suddenly the clock struck and everyone went silent.

then rolled out a red carpet.

when Mr.Wonka started doing the whole pretend I can not walk without a cane trick you had a big smile on your face.

when he did that little trick everyone began to cheer and you began to laugh.

"Thank you, thank you, please." said willy Wonka calming down the crowd.

after he calmed down the crowd he addressed us.

"Welcome. Welcome my friends. Welcome to my chocolate factory. Would you come forward, please." he asked us.

You and Charlie made your way down the platform only to get shoved over by Veruca.

"You ok Charlie?" you said helping him up.

"Yes I am fine." said charlie who started walking again.

When you saw slugworth you stood still for a moment and started walking again.

after Willy Wonka was done with the introductions of the others it was yours and Charlie's turn.

Mr.Wonka looked at Charlie and smiled.

Charlie handed him his golden ticket and said "Charlie Bucket" with a big smile on his face.

"Well, Well, Charlie Bucket I read all about you in the papers. I'm so proud of you." Charlie looked shocked and happy.

I laughed at how happy he was.

"And who is this young lady here?" he asked.

you froze in place when you and he locked eyes.

after about 3 seconds of you and him looking into each other's eyes, you felt fabric in your hand snapping you out of it.

"Thank me later," said Charlie to you.

"I'm sorry my name is (y/n)," you said to Mr.Wonka.

"My sister," said Charlie with a big smile.

"Pleasure meeting you (y/n)"  he said with a smile and kissed your hand.

"P-pleasure," you said blushing lightly.

he showed us where to stand.

while saying "Overjoyed, enraptured, entranced."

" Are we ready? yes. good. in we go." he said starting to walk the group following.

Stuck in a movie! (Willy Wonka love story)Where stories live. Discover now