The movie starts. (chapter 4)

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It has been 3 weeks since I first got here.

I am now as close as ever with Charlie and his family.

I got a job at Bill's candy shop and I love working there.

But knowing that things are going to get crazy when the competition starts already makes me tired.

I was putting some lollipops on the shelves when the kids came running in.

I did not think anything of it until he took out the scrumdiddlyumptious bar.

When he began singing I started to sing with him.

Bill: "Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it in dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a miracle or two?"

Bill & Me: "The candyman
The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good"

Me: "Who can take a rainbow
Wrap it is a sigh
Soak it in the sun
and make a strawberry lemon pie?"

Children: "The candyman?"

Bill & Me: "The candyman
The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good"

Bill: "Willy Wonka makes
Everything he bakes
Satisfying and delicious
Talk about your childhood wishes
You can even eat the dishes"

Me: "Who can take tomorrow
Dip it in a dream
Separate the sorrow
And collect up all the cream?"

Bill: "The candyman"

Children: "Willy Wonka can"

Bill and Me: "The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
And the world tastes good 'cause the candyman thinks it should"


"Wow, you have an amazing voice!" Bill said when we were done singing.

"Thank you, Bill." You said to him.

~Time skip~

I got home after my day of work to see that Ms.Bucket was making cabbage water.

I sat down at the table.

'Things will get better soon for Charlie.' I thought.

"(y/n) are you ok?" Asked Grampa Joe concerned.

"Yes, I am just thinking," I said to Grampa Joe.

"About what?" They all asked at the same time.

"The movie has started," I said to them.

They looked at each other.

"So, can you tell us what is going to happen?" Asked Ms.Bucket

"I can if I want but if I tell you it might not happen..." You said to Ms.Bucket.

"I understand." Ms.Bucket said to you.

~After some minutes of saying nothing.~

"Charlie's late," said Grandma Josephine breaking the silence.

"He works too hard for a little boy, He should have some time to play." Grampa Joe says.

"Not enough hours in a day. With you four bedridden for 20 takes a lot to keep this family going," said Ms.Bucket.

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