Bloopers! (bonus chapter)

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"She is awake." I heard someone say.

"Are you ok miss?" asked a familiar voice.

"I AM ALIVE!" I screamed opening up my eyes


"Is it fiction or non-fictoin?" Ms.Bucket asked me.

"Are you actually stupid?" I asked.


"So what is your world like?" He asked you curiously.

"Well things are not going well in my world at this moment." you said to him.

"Why is that?" He asked in a sad voice.

"Well, IT'S CORONA VIRUS!" I screamed


"Do you have Wonka bars in your world?" Asked Charlie.

"I WISH!" I said.


"Wow, you have an amazing voice!" Bill said when we were done singing.



"But going in that factory is impossible." said charlie.

"Really, Well traveling in a movie is impossible but here I am." I said to him.

"Charlie, Everything is possible even the impossible." You said to him.

"I'M MARY POPPINS YALL!" I screamed.


he looked at us for a second and then said "here it goes" he turns his back and opens it "I've got it!"

A couple of excited shouts came out "Charlie stop lying please" You said while watching him turn around "I fooled you, you thought I really had it."



"Wel your still on the job so go on back to work" said Bill handing you a box of Wonka bars.

Suddenly a woman walked in and said "I want all the Wonka bars in the store!" 

"WELL, HERE YOU GO!" I said slamming the box of Wonka bars on the counter


You looked through your bag making Charlie curious.

You took out a small piece of fabric.

"What is that?" charlie asked pointing at the piece of fabric.

"It helps me calm down when I get nervous." you said to him.

"I like the color." said Charlie.

"It's the color of the blood of people who tried to steal it." I said with a straight face.


You and Charlie made your way down the platform only to get shoved over by Veruca.

Stuck in a movie! (Willy Wonka love story)Where stories live. Discover now