Fun house? (Chapter 12)

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Mr.Wonka walked too the door with a combination lock.

He mutterd too code too himself "Ninety-nine, Fourty-four......and one hundred percent pure."

he pushed the door open too reveal a ong hallway.

"Just trouth the other door, please."said Mr.Wonka.

 you and Charlie walked with the others.

We where all in a supper small room with no other door.

"There's some mistake here."

"There's no other door!"

"There's no way out!"

everyone bumped into each other. the halway was a trick it was actually a small room decorated with zebra stripes.

"I know there is a door here someplace" said Mr.Wonka feeling at the walls.

Everyone was yelling at Mr.Wonka too let them out.

Veruca's voice was hurting my ears so bad.

You tried too get closer too Charlie but instead was knocked over by Ms.Teevee

you closed your eyes waiting for your body too hit the hard wall but nothing happend instead felt something like some one was holding you.

You opend your eyes too see face too face with Mr. Wonka you where just standing there looking into his eyes.

"Are you ok?" asked Mr.Wonka.

"Yes thank you." you said too him still looking into his eyes.

You stood back up as normal brushing of your jeans.

You're face was supper hot.

You zoned out for a momment but was snapped out of your daze by Mr.Salt saying.

"What is this, Wonka? A fun house!"

"Why, having  fun!" asked Mr.Wonka innocently.

"Well I am not having fun! I'm not going in there! Come on Mike, We're getting out of here." Said Ms.Teevee.

"Oh you can't go backwards" the room went quite "You've got too go forwards too go back. Better press on"

Every one piled out of the room.

You walked up too Charlie.

"Charlie, are you ok?" you asked him

"Yeah, and you" he asked.

"Yeah" You said.

you two where silent for a second when suddenly Charlie started fake fainting on you.

"Oh Mr.Wonka save me." He said trying too make his voice sound like your voice.

You have him a glare.

"Are you coming Buckets?" asked Mr.Wonka.

You and Charlie walked down the hall that was getting smaller and smaller.

"The room is getting smaller!" Said Charlie.

"No it's not we are getting bigger." Corrected Ms.Teevee.

You all stop by a small door.

"You can't squeeze me trough that door. No one can get trough there."cried Ms.Gloop

"My dear friends, you are now about too enter the nerve center of the entire Wonka factory. Inside this room, all of my dreams become realities, and some realities become dreams." Said Mr.Wonka too the group.

he continued.

"Almost everything you'll see is eatable....edible. I mean, you can eat almost everything." Mr.Wonka explained too the group.

"Let me in i'm starving!" said Agustus.

"Now don't get over excited. Don't lose your head Augustus. We whouldn't want that.... Yet." Said Mr.Wonka too Augustus.

"Now for the combination." mummbled Mr.Wonka too himself.

"this is a musical lock." he said playing a familiar sound.

"Rachmaninoff" said Ms.Teevee.

"I am sorry Ms.Teevee but that I Mozart not Rachmaninoff." You said too her with a smirk on your face daring her too say something about it.

she gave you a glare.


Thats the end of the chapter I know please don't be angry with me.

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